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Author Topic: Vendetta 357 Magnum  (Read 14822 times)


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Vendetta 357 Magnum
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
Coverstock: Tru-Grip R Reactive
Ball Color: Blue/Copper
Finish: Polished
RG Average: 2.460 (Very Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.8 Very low-High Break Point
RG Differential: 0.042 (Medium) on a scale of .000-.080 Low-High Flare
Backend Reaction: Strong
Length: Mid Lane
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium Oil



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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 09:11:34 PM »
Dyno-Thane Vendetta 357 Magnum

First, I’d like to thank Billy and the boys at Dyno-Thane for sending me out the new Vendetta 357 Magnum.  Without a doubt, the strongest release from the Vendetta line and a great looking ball to boot.  Given the specs on the 357 Magnum calling for length with a medium flare, I wanted a reaction to maximize the ball’s strengths on medium-oil conditions as well as to accommodate my high ball speed and rev rate. This being said, I left the ball in boxed condition and went with a layout of 4 ½” from my PAP with the mass bias located on my VAL.  I left 1/4 ounces of positive side weight from the 15/16” counter-hole positioned 1” past my PAP.  To steal a cheesy line from the A-Team, “I love it when a plan comes together.”

I tested the 357 Magnum on both a medium-oiled Brunswick house shot and a typical AMF summer tour short oil track and found that it has length similar to that of the original Energy with a more controllable snap on the backend.  The one thing that continued to stand out from both locations was the pin action generated from the 357.  Pins bounced around the deck like lottery balls with rouge messengers taking out a multitude of stubborn 8, 9 and 10 pins trying stand tall.        

My evaluation broken down on a 10-point scale is as follows:


The 357 Magnum offers Max Performance at a High Performance cost.  The Threshold and now the 357 Magnum—talk about your thunder and lightning.  I don’t believe I’ve ever given a ball a 10 overall rating but when you combine the surprisingly strong backend with the pin action (wow!) and its price tag, I have no choice but to give it a 10.  If you want to start your fall season off with a bang, put a 357 Magnum in your holster. Outstanding job Dyno-Thane!!


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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2006, 01:41:42 AM »
I'd like to thank Billy and the fine people of Dynothane for sending me this beauty, and Big Al from Big Al's Proshop for drilling this pin shredder up for me. My 357 was drilled 4 1/2" from my pap. Ball gave me some length and very smooth hook to the pocket, the surprising thing with the 357 is that pins just bounce off this ball like its rubber coated, pins hop all over the deck, the carry is excellent and the hook is silky smooth yet powerful, I can't say enough about the pin carry, a must ball in the bag.
Dynothane carries end of story


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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2006, 04:18:30 PM »
Ball Tested: Vendetta .357 Magnum
Pre Drill Specs: #16.2, 3.25” Pin, 2.48 oz top weight
Finish Specs: 15 lbs 14 oz , 5/8 oz pos side, 1/4 oz thumb, 1/2 oz top weight.
Drill Pattern: 4” pin to PAP, MB @75*
Bowler Specs: 15 mph, PAP 5-1/4”> ½ up, 17* axis tilt, 45-60* rotation at release.
Oil Pattern: Standard house crown, 50 units in the middle, 18 units on the 10, 42 ft buff. Fresh, squeaky clean stripped back ends.
Preferred line: 34-15-8 @ 42 feet.

I chose to use the same layout I used on my .44 Magnum, this would give me a better comparison between the two balls, the pin is located even with the ring the CG is in the thumb quadrant with the MB 1 1/2” right of the thumb hole, very strong angular position. Only difference being the .44 had a shorter pin.

I have never had much success with solid pearls, mostly due to my varying ball speed as I get loosened up. So I was rather skeptical based off of prior experiences using solid pearls. After a good warm up using another ball, “I jumped in the water”, first thing I noticed was how clean the ball is in the first 30 feet, getting a solid pearl to read soon enough for me had always been a nightmare, so the next 15 feet would make or break it in terms of if I could manage to keep this one in the bag. Well much to my surprise it read very similar to the .44, not once in the 3 games in league did it fail to give me anything different. Now the backend was what I was really looking for. All the talk of this coverstock would it be smoke and mirrors or is it fact? Well ladies and gentlemen it is awesome, more than the .44, more angular and I got the same look every time it was thrown, no over under, no roll out.

I managed to roll the ball all night, never adjusting more than 3 boards all night in a league with 100% high octane balls being thrown. Generally a 5-7 board adjustment during the night not being uncommon.

Recap: .357 Magnum is cleaner up front than the .44 Magnum, due to the polished pearl finish, mid lane read for this type of ball was extraordinary, the back end was phenomenal, very angular yet manageable and predictable. In a nutshell the .357 will be a must for anyone using the .44 Magnum; it is cleaner up front adding 3-5 feet of length when the .44 stands up to soon, more angular and more recovery on the back end. These are to be considered lethal weapons, make sure you have a permit to carry these in your bag.

Leading Edge Pro Shop

Capt Ramius "Vasili, give me one ping, and one ping only"
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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2006, 09:44:12 AM »
Just switched to 15 lbs., and must say that this ball hits harder on a broken down condition than any of the 16s I previously threw.
Drilled the 357 pin above ring finger, 1:cg shift towards axis, small hole to bring back to zero...clears heads with ease, and stores more enrgy than any DT ball in my arsenal. This ball should work great on shorter patterns and definitely when the heads break down - won't have to make too many drastic moves on the lane with this one in the bag!


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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2006, 09:36:56 PM »
I recently drilled my 357 and have the opportunity to throw it on several occasions.  First of all, The layout is approximately 80 degrees with the pin 3 inches from my axis.  Compared to my 44 magnum this ball is cleaner through the heads which makes it very effective when the lanes start to break down.  Even on freshly oiled lanes I found the ball still very effective.  The hitting power of the ball is excellent.  Anyone looking for a great mid priced ball will not go wrong with this one or for that matter any of the other Vendettas.  Definitely an A+ ball.

M. Ferguson
Dyno-Thane Test Staffer
Gary James Bowling Supplies


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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2006, 03:55:30 PM »
Ball is drilled with pin 3 3/8" from PAP and 1 1/2" from VAL.
CG below and to the right of pin 3" from Center of grip.
Weight hole drilled on cg 1" in diameter 2" deep

House shot 41 ft med with dry outside of 7.  This ball recovers from anywhere on this THS with the dry outside part of the lane.  Laying the ball down at 20 out over 12 at the arrows and the ball screams back from sbout 4 or 5.  Started with the front 7 threw 2 splits because i pulled the ball and then struck out.

Next game I decided to get deep (for me) playing in between 3rd and 4th.  The surprising thing was that I was still carrying from this angle that usualy means weak 10's and 7's or both.  The ball was just plain turnin over and demolishing the rack.

Will post more after I try it in a few other houses.

Dynothane Test Staff


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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2006, 01:15:10 AM »
this ball is NO JOKE!! drilled mine up with a 4 inch pin and i put the pin above the middle finger and put the cg on my center grip and i have to say this ball is very clean threw the heads and very angular and the back end threw it in league the same night i drilled it up and shot 702 came back the next day and shot 690 in the early shift and 811 with a 299 in the late shift all on fresh shots this ball is a great addition to the dynothane line


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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2006, 03:08:32 AM »
I wanted to go back with a layout that has always been good for me.  I place the pin under the ring finger.  with the CG out to the right with an extra hole of about an inch.  A heavy rolling layout that is good an all conditions.  works better for my when the lanes are kind of wet dry.   Ball carries great.  I have a little bit more control of the breakpoint with this ball.  Definitely a must have for the Dyno Thane Fans.  

George Gardner
Test Staffer.


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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2006, 08:37:32 PM »
This is my first Dyno, but doubt it will be the last.  Specs:

weight: 14 lb
pin: 3-4"
tw: 2 oz
drill: 3.75 stacked, small balance hole
speed: 16-17 mph
Lanes: AMF synthetic, THS, 38', medium oil, 7 units on 7 outside boards
Finish:  OOB

I love this ball and it's always in my bag.  On a fresh shot, usually play it up the oil line with just a little swing, where it revs up well, makes a decent midlane read for a pearlized ball (though doubtless influenced by this THS pattern), then makes a controlled yet slightly angular move to the pocket, where it has great roll and carries very well.  I've rolled some of my better games with this ball.  Nicest thing about it is how little I have to move from game one to game three.  This ball is also somewhat responsive to changes in hand position, though my best success with it is more straight up the back.

Captain Stabbin

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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2006, 11:29:41 AM »
This ball rolls smooth through the front and has a very aggressive back end reaction. It doesn't hook a ton, but it does well on broken down lanes. Within the first week of owning this ball, i shot a 300 and a 299. Great ball.¤t=100_0992.jpg

Strike It Up Pro Shop

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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2006, 01:12:41 AM »
Ball: 15lb 1.5" pin
Layout: Not much to work with I laid this ball out based on a Columbia Professional I used in the past by putting the CG on my center of grip and kicking the pin out 45°.  This put the pin at about 2:00.  
Pattern: 42 ft on Brunswick Availane.
Reaction: This ball gets through the front part of the lane very well and is reving of the fingers.  Because of the layout it starts up a little sooner than advertised but the reaction is very strong.  The move off the spot is a very sharp arc that throws pins in all directions.

Another great weapon from the Dyno-thane Team.
Strike It Up Pro Shop


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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2007, 09:16:26 PM »
Drilled my 357 with the pin above ring finger and the CG kicked out.
Plays very well along the oil line on a medium house shot. Reacts very quickly when it finds dry boards, both down the lanes and to the left. Can play somewhat deeper inside on sport shots, if needed, as it retains much of it's energy in the oil and corners well.

This ball has become one of my favorites.
Tyler Selden

"Good tea, nice house." - Worf


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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2007, 09:26:37 PM »
Surface of bowling ball: Polished
Likes: The ball is great when the lanes start to break down. I found it to be very clean through the heads and the hitting power is excellent.
Dislikes: None yet

My 357 Mag was drilled at approximately an 80 degree layout with the pin 3 inches from my axis. Compared to my 44 Mag and my Vendetta Solid this ball is cleaner through the heads which make it very effective when the lanes start to break down. Even on a fresh shot I found the ball to be effective, just had to move a little right. The hitting power especially for what would be considered a mid priced ball is phenomenal. I give the ball an A+. It is definitely a great addition to an already great line of balls


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Re: Vendetta 357 Magnum
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2007, 08:32:40 PM »
I drilled this ball stacked leverage to compliment my 44 Magnum.  The 357 gets good length and needs dry backends to be effective.  The ball reminds me a lot of the Vendetta Particle Pearl with slightly more length thru the heads.  At first I was disappointed with the carry (stone 8 pins, then 7 pins, a couple of 9 pins, and then 10 pins)... I could not strike with this ball.  Finally I moved right, put loft on the ball to clear the heads, and then this ball came alive.  The 357 is a good addition to the Vendetta line.
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You will not see me on the PBA Tour, but I love the game!!!