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Author Topic: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid  (Read 11400 times)


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Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The VENDETTAâ„¢ BLACK SOLID produces a smoother transition from roll to hook by combining successful core design with a matte finish solid resin coverstock. The VENDETTAâ„¢ BLACK SOLID is engineered to perform on most oil conditions.

15 out of 20    

17 out of 20

Flare - Medium

Surface - Matte

Weights - 12-16

Technical Details

Weight Block: Single Density Dual Core
Cover Stock: Reactive
Weights: 12-16 lbs
Finish: Matte
Color: Black Solid
Radius of Gyration: Low @ 2.535
Differential: Medium @ 0.042
Recommended Conditions: Medium oil


DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2003, 04:05:07 PM »
IF you all like the Vendetta and the V particle, then you will really love this one.
The V Black has the control of the particle but has more hit and zip at the turn.  The Black is a ball for the those who love to blend the pattern out with a smooth roll to hook. If you would like to get a stronger turn the polish it with a light 600 gt degree.

Excellent sport!!
Ft Bliss Pro Shop
(915) 568 7974


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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2003, 08:52:02 AM »
People say diamonds are girls’ best friends and I’d say the Vendetta black solid is bowler’s best buddy! Since I got this ball two weeks ago, it had been my ‘main’ ball. I use it as my benchmark ball when I start in the leagues and tournaments. It is a very, very versatile ball. Providing that you follow the changes in the oil pattern and make adjustments accordingly, the Vendetta Black Solid would always work. It’s so predictable and easy to use. It gives good length yet good mid-lane read. It gives good control backend reaction yet powerful hit. Honestly I haven’t got one bad thing to say about this ball.
The surface of the Vendetta Black Solid is easily tunable for your needs and with box finish, it’s suitable for medium-light oil to medium-heavy oil.

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2003, 08:17:32 PM »
Phil was kind enough to send one of these to Willie Willis to test and review.

We laid out this ball with the pin and cg on the grip line. With this layout we did not need a weight hole.

After a variety of lane conditions that Willie tested this ball, he found it to be the best overall ball to judging the lane conditions, and the best Bench Mark ball for Dyno-Thane. On most medium oil type shots this ball would clear the heads easy, read the midlane and then make a smooth arcing hook to the pocket. The drier shots you could move deeper inside and swing the ball more. With the heavier oil the ball was still effective, but with less hook.

Any questions, please email me.

"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2003, 11:05:10 AM »
I like this ball a lot.  It reminds me of the Vortex II Sanded.  Has a similar roll to it with a little more kick in the backend.  Hits hard, a perfect compliment to the Particle and Pearl Vendetta.  Versatile coverstock to dull or polish.
The Perfect Fit Pro Shop

DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2003, 01:57:15 AM »
Heres the update: Can you say Damn!!!!These ball with a basic 10:30 layout (pin above and below the ring finger) gives the ultimate mid lane read. polished the cover with degree 1200 grit polish. this allowed me to open the lane up and at the same time keep the hand flat up the back when the lanes break down. Averaging 250 for last month with ball...ultimate control and power!!

Way to go Phil, Kendra and Drew....WAY TO GO!!!!
Ft Bliss Pro Shop
(915) 568 7974


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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2003, 10:37:47 AM »
We throw on oil soak middles and bone dry outside of 7, also wood lanes.  We get carrydown from 10 to 10 to about 45ft, so we can't miss the pocket.  So I base my balls on how many 10 pins they leave or how many 9's or 8's they leave.  We will get to that later.

Most balls don't recover on the heavy middles to get around the oil from the outside... this one does.
Most balls lose their energy by the time they get to the pocket on our conditions... this one doesn't.
Most balls leave lots of 10 pins because they are weakened by the time they get to the pocket... this one doesn't.

We left the ball dull out of box.  Pin 3" @ 12:00 above ring finger, 1/2" shift of cg.  High tracker, med-high speed, medium rev rate, 2-3 boards accuracy.  He couldn't miss the pocket (like I said earlier), out of 25 balls...
2 - 10 pins
1 - 8 pin
1 - 9 pin
and 1 pocket 7-10 (ouchkabibble!)
all the rest strikes.

That is the highest rate of strike to single pins we had on a test in a long time.  I think the 2 - 10 pins were because he lost his fingers on the ball.

Overall 1-10 = (9.5)
The Perfect Fit Pro Shop


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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2003, 08:35:12 PM »,

That may explain the two 10 pins, but how do you explain the pocket 7-10 split?  Sounds like a rollout to me ;-)


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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2003, 02:59:48 PM »
Strong!!! That is the word I will use to describe this one. Reads the front pretty well and makes a good move around midlane. This ball hooks. And, as usual from Dyno-Thane hits the pins real hard. Drilled mine over the label with the pin above my ring. Got decent length out of it and and nice move around the midlane and a continuous arc to the pocket. Very strong ball here. This ball is great for those fresh house shots and from the looks of it will be very beneficial in your bag on a sports shot. This is a ball every bowler should ahve in their bag. Seems to be a little too strong for the drier conditions, but a small move in will make this ball work. Kepp this ball in a little oil and watch out, you have a monster on your hand. I plan on drilling another and polishing it and I will make another review. Buy this ball, you won't be dissapointed.
John Rubeo Jr.
Dyno-Thane Ball Staff
visit us at

Mike Whitacre

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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2003, 12:39:10 PM »
We all have balls that we have complete confidence in. This is one of those. I wish I could have as much confidence with all my balls as much as I have with this one. This or the inferno is the first ball out of the bag. I had this drilled with pin beside ring finger cg kicked out 2”. The ball gets thru the heads clean and goes long with a lot of back end. Carry is excellent and the it has a lot of HIT. It will skate some in oil or carry down. I find this ball to be very forgiving. It is a must have. This or my inferno is the first ball out of my bag. For me this ball goes a lot longer than my inferno but hooks a lot more.
Mike Whitacre


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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2003, 04:30:09 PM »
I bought this ball at, and it has been amazing! I'm a righty croaker who throws slow and bowls at lanes that are soaked in the middle and dead dry up the outside, with weak backends.  I had it drilled with the pin at around one o'clock from my ringfinger and the cg an inch below it to the left of my ringfinger, with side weight taken out of the ball  two to three inches to the left of the thumb. The ball also has a 2-3 inch pin. (Note, im not sure if da drillin on heres rite cuz i dont have my ball to look at) If u have this ball, i think its drilling layout #2.  I got the ball shined up so it wouldn't overhook.  The first time I used this ball, i set up to about the 22 and got it out through the middle oil to the 7.  It came back strong and it hits like a MONSTER!!!!!!!  It's not the overpowering kind of hit, but it buries the pins low so they don't fly around and cause splits.  In my fifth game with it, I threw a 279! This is a great ball.
Rating: 11 out of 10.


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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2004, 07:17:34 PM »
Ok, this is by far the UGLIEST ball I have owned. But what can I say? This ball is awesome. This is my ball for flood. It simply just hooks. I have used it on patchy shots and it does pull through, just have to move far enough left so it won't roll out. A few 10 pins here and there but they ring. I would tell you how I have it drilled but honestly, I don't know how. If anyone is looking for a solid surface ball to make a move to the pocket, this is it.


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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2004, 10:52:36 AM »
This ball is the most versatile ball in the DynoThane fleet. I think I could take 3-4 of these balls and build a complete arsenal. The one I used last night(258-257-268) came to me with a 5" pin, after talking to "other guy" on drilling, we came up with the pin about an inch over the bridge and the cg in the thumb quad below the ring finger. A hole about 3" right of thumb brought the sw back to a 1/2oz , and gave me 1/2oz fw. I brought the surface up to 1000 smooth and a light coat of polish.  This is the perfect ball for me to chase the oil line, and gives me great roll, and hit. The surface of this ball can be worked to give you great variations, I've used these from 600 dull to 2000 gloss, and they all work. This is fast becoming my benchmark ball.

the prince

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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2004, 07:08:22 PM »
My favorite Dynothane ball - in my opinion, the cornerstone of a Dynothane arsenal.  Drilled 4x4 with the pin over the ring finger, mass bias to the right of the thumbhole.

The key for me getting along with this ball was the surface.  Out of the box, hooked at my feet.  High polish, nice length but too snappy on the back end, every half pocket hit was a 10 pin and every mistake right was a 2-8-10.  Finally, took some of the polish off with a 1000 pad and eureka ... becomes the first ball out of my bag.   With this surface and drilling, ball clears the heads as long as there is a little oil, and then arcs smoothly into the pocket without a pronounced flip on the back end.  

No good when the lanes are fried or flooded, might work on a flood but the Anomaly is a better choice.  Might work on fried heads if polished, but that's what the Crisis is for.  All in all, a versatile ball that works for me from all lines and a variety of lane conditions.


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Re: Vendettaâ„¢ Black Solid
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2004, 07:12:20 PM »
Drilled 6x5
Plenty o' finger
Plenty o' shine on box grit
Lanes: easier than the steering on your father's oldsmobile, don't twitch or the olds delta 88's gonna be a pair of 44's! HAHA, I get amused easily...yep

ball carry is unbelievable, I could use my right earlobe release and still strike, no 300 here for me though, I THINK SOME HO PUT THE VOODOO ON ME!  I'll throw my typical 4 jersey 5 nose 2 pocket games but that twelfth one is always SUCH A BEEYATCH!  

People!  This center is why we are all paying so much dues to ABC, hundreds upon thousands of rings and other trinkets exchange hands daily. BUT NOT MY PRESSCHUUSS, MY PREESSCCHHUS IS LOST...I must find my PRESSCCHUUS, THOSE NASTY SMELLY HOBBITS WITH THEIR FOUL SMELLING FEET, THEY STOLE MY PRESSCCHHUUSS, but SMELLY HOBBITS do not know that I have a plan, a plan to cook their smelly feet and feed it to them...yessshhh nasty Hobbits will get their due rewardsss, heeeheeeheee...HAR HAR HAR!

Oh, uh Good ball, you should buy this ball, hits like a Mack Truck.