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Author Topic: Vendetta  (Read 17789 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Color: Red/Pearl & Black/Solid Mix

RG: 2.535 Medium

Finish: 1000 Polished

Flare: Medium

Hook: 17+

Coverstock: Reactive

Lane Conditions: Medium to Dry



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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2003, 08:56:07 AM »
After I played with the Vendetta Particle and the Black Solid and was so impressed by them, I had to get the original pearl and was not disappointed! One of the things I like about Dyno-Thane balls is that their balls do exactly what they’re supposed to and they are distinctively different from each other. Not only the  red/black pearlised cover looks good, it gives very clean slide through the head, saving all its energy for the backend. It goes the longest and gives the sharpest breakpoint in the Vendetta line. The Vendetta red/black pearl is ‘THE’ ball to go to when the Black Solid is hooking out or reading the head/mid-lane too soon.
I keep mine in 800 polished and it works great on medium to light oil condition.


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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2003, 02:13:52 AM »
pin under/touching ringfinger
cg on gripline shifted down about 1/2in. from center

this ball makes it down the lane a good bit before it turns the corner for being drilled how it is for me. but i'm not complaining.  it's fitting in really nicly with my other stuff
 standing 30-35 sending it over 18-20 at the arrows, this ball made it down the lane nice and jumped back hard.  didn't think it would be this aggressive when i got it, isn't what i was going to use it for, but i think i can find a place for it.  the conition was a walled up house shot, and from the looks of the way it rolls, i'm looking forward to testing it out on some sport conditions up at ku.  i post recent stuff once i've thrown it on more than house shots
I'm from the Midwest but I like to stand out/ So I'ma say Mideast just to see if they shout/ Tick you off yet?  Cuz I can keep going/ But I'll just end this with my middle fingers showing


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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2003, 05:41:14 PM »
Strong backend!!! I drilled mine 90 degrees with the pin 4 inches from my PAP. This ball clears the front part of the lane with ease and really makes a turn to the pocket. The turn into the pocket in unbelievable. And, as usual, the hitting power is just like all the other Dyno-Thane balls, superb. I was amazed at how well this ball recovered in the back part of the lane. It is really amazing. The ball will struggle a little bit on oil and really dry conditions, but on those medium to light oil conditions you will have the whole lane to play with and won't leave many corners. I used mine on a league night, second shift. The lanes were a little dry out, but still had the hold in the middle. I made a nice move in during practice and started out with 299, 252. I was able to get this ball to the dry and it recovered with ease and no hardly any corners. They got a little too dry the last game and a move further into the oil wasn't good, so I got further in with the Vendetta Particle and finished the night with 247. When you want some skid snap and strong hitting power, this is the ball you should have in your bag. Buy one and you won't be sorry, for that matter buy any Dyno-Thane ball and you will see your scores going up. Give them a try and you will be satisfied. Two thumbs up for this one.
John Rubeo Jr.
Dyno-Thane Ball Staff
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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2003, 12:00:46 PM »
This ball reminds me of the V-2. The Vendetta is a versatile ball that will roll depending upon hand and drill. I have two, with different drills and surface,
and they both roll independatly of the other. One has a 1:30 pin - CG in the palm (2.5 top, 3/4 side); I roughed the surface with a green pad, and shined it right out of the box. This ball will get through the heads clean, and will arc to the pocket - it wont make a hard left turn, but will continue to hook through the pocket. This particular layout reads midlane very well, but on longer oil will struggle (of course). Second Vendetta has pin above ring finger, CG kicked out about 2.5, with a 5 3/8 weight hole; zero top and no side; left the factory cover on it; this ball hooks - it will hook the entire lane with enough hand. Not a very controllable ball on shorter oil as the ball wants to read the front part of the lane, but on longer oil or carry-down becomes a strong ball. Will finish thru the pindeck and hits like a truck.


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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2003, 03:24:31 PM »
FOLLOW UP:I used this ball in league last night,1-08-04, 300-237-258, I know that the lane conditions are not the most challenging in leagues but what is most impressive is the way that this ball carries when other bowlers on our pair are leaving 9 counts all night. I've got a bag full of D/T balls, but on a typical house shot for 3 games this one is hadr to
I finally got around to drilling this ball. With the Thing and The Thing Returns in my bag,'s hard to try anything else.  I drilled this ball with a basic pin over the ring finger, and the cg below, just at the midline. A small weight hole was put in the pap to get the statics in the finger quad down a little, I wanted this ball to be smooth thru the heads. I practiced a bout 3 games with this ball on "yesterdays oil" before the lanes were ran for league. I had to move in between the 3-4 arrow and keep the ball tight because of a dry track and quite a bit of carry down. The Red/Black beauty worked great. The ball went to track with ease, made a mild turn, stored plenty of energy and struck a bunch,..I was surprised at how the ball finished through the carry down, and carried the ten pin, which is usually a problem for me when I move inside...the ball was easy to read, rolled great in the mids,..and hit well on the backend..I decided to use it in league. On the strip and fresh I played the typical house wall shot 13 to 8..The pearl cover reads the wet/dry super and is not as over/under as I would have thought being a pearl,...258-215-258,..a 4-10 in the middle of the second game on a pretty good hit for 731. This is a great mid-priced ball for bowlers that have trouble with drier lanes, and slower ball speeds. For someone looking for a good ball at great price the Vendettas are for you. jimensminger


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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2003, 06:23:55 PM »
I bought this ball to provide a stronger backened reaction than my messenger or Hammer Blade Reactive.  This ball did just that.  On medium conditions, this ball goes nice and long and hits very hard.  The only pins I seem to leave alot are 8 and 9 pins.  This ball is great for house shots and mid-length patterns.  Overall, i would give it a 8 out of 10 just because it is a very condition sensitive ball.
Kevin Krieger

south fl bowler

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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2004, 11:02:45 AM »
i drilled this ball with pin over the ring finger
cg kicked out 1 inch with xtra hole below pap.
this ball is a hook monster when it hits dry.
i bowl on a 42 ft pattern and i cant get deep
enough to keep it in the pocket consistently.
if i throw it right early and it bleeds off too much
energy. when i start to get carry down it goes way
too long.
it would be a great ball on a walled condition
for somebody with less hand then me.

CUBS WIN!!!!!!!!!

Pro Street

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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2004, 11:40:10 PM »
WOW TIMES 10!!! This is the best ball in my bag!! I use it all the time. Its 16# with the same specs as my X Factor ( See reveiw). I bowl with this ball where it has oil to the outside. I can play alot of different styles with this ball. Straight, Deep inside, My way which is sorta like Roberts Smiths line. The most versatile ball I have ever gotten the pleasure to use! It seems this ball struggles with oil tho. But I just slow down a few mph's. And does this ball carry and hit like Brian Urlacher. I also throw 2 handed 2 fingered stly and this one is the best one to use if you do that sorta thing. The best thing about this ball is the color. Sweetest color ever!!! : D

Rollin- Rollin-Rollin
Keep that bull sh*t flowin
Drinking beer while bowlin

I got lost in my mind! DOES ANYONE HAVE A MENTAL MAP!!??

Rich Thompson

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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2004, 04:15:50 PM »
Drilled it with the pin next to the ring finger, cg 1" out of the palm and no axis hole.  Rolls very smooth and hits typical to balls in the same price range.  It was my first Dynothane and probably last.  The ball is way to sensitive and has an extremely violent reaction from oil to dry.  The core cover combination doesn't seem to be optimum.  Over rev it and it is gone, pick up you speed and it never flips.  My be good for tube shot, but I don't run across them regularly.  Not a bad ball, but not worth anymore words.


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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2004, 10:04:43 PM »
hi dyno bowlers..
mine 16 lbs.
pin one inch over and right ring finger...
cg in center of grip
balance hole one inch down mid line

i found the ball very agresive,
in out of box condition
very sensitive to dry lanes.

i sanded 1500
and shine with track magic polish.

the ball now is a very much controllable,
very well lenght - carry.
it can rolls almost all night.

great peace of gear..

Rodrigo Cid16.

"Knowledge is Power".


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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2005, 04:37:23 PM »
Dyno-Thane Vendetta (original)

Post-Drill Specs

Weight:         15.1lbs        
Pin-Out:        4 inches      
Surface Prep:   2000 wet-sand, Polished with Black Magic Plus
Layout:         5.5x5.5, CG on grip center line, pin over fingers
Extra Hole:     None
Static Weights: 2oz top, 0 finger/thumb, 0 side

(See profile for bowler specs)

Lane condition #1: fresh 39 feet, standard "house shot", medium volume on 12-year-old AMF synthetics.

Was able to square up in the track area (in this case, straight up 8-board) and play a medium to strong arc with length.  This ball tended to accentuate the back-end movement as expected from the layout and surface preparation.  Was able to defeat the typical side-to-side wet/dry over/under because pulled shots were on a fairly direct line to the pocket inside the edge of the oil.  As the lanes broke down a bit, this ball allowed me to stay direct with only lateral moves necessary.
(from straight up 8 to straight up 10).  Created a nice amount of area and good carry on pocket hits.

Lane condition #2: fresh 35 feet, sport-compliant 2-to-1 ratio, above average volume on 4-year-old AMF synthetics.

The ball still provided good length on this condition with a slight snap on the backend.  Could play a mild swing in over 15 or square up outside of 10.  Ball reaction was slightly jerky on the slight swing, but predictable and strong while squared up.  Overall, this ball is probably not the best choice of equipment for sport patterns.  Dulling the surface might add the necessary predictability to succeed.  Again, carry was good on pocket hits.

Lane condition #3: PBA pattern C1 on 2-year on Brunswick Anvilane, fresh and broken down (see notes)

On the fresh pattern, this ball allowed me to get in as far as 20 with a swing to 13 and back.  As expected, this was the wrong surface and layout combination (for me) on this ball for this pattern.  Ball consistently pushed through the breakpoint.  Reaction at the break point was snappish which is a definite no-no on the PBA patterns.  Roughly 20 games later on the same pair, the reaction was no better.  Carry was good on pocket hits, but there are much better ways to get to the pocket on this pattern.


The ball provides good length for medium-light conditions or for squaring up in the track area.  This ball suffered on the longer, heavier pattern, but helped open up the over/under house condition with lateral moves.  Of the equipment I've thrown, this ball seems to be most similar to the Storm Too Hot and Ebonite Tornado.


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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2007, 01:35:41 PM »
This is a preliminary review:

Purchased a NIB DT Vendetta from member. It was a great and smooth transaction BTW. Thanks Leftyhi-trak!

Ball Specs:

Weight: 15lb.
Top Weight: 3.02oz.
Pin: 2.5 - 3
OOB Condition

I am a RH stroker, beginner/intermediate bowler still learning how to hook the ball consistently. I purchased the Vendetta for a Hi-Lo league which uses a THS-Christmas Tree pattern (medium oil). This is my first league experience.

When brought the ball in to be drilled, the pro at my lane was surprised to see a Vendetta. And, when I told him how much I paid for it [$55+$14 S/H= $69 total], he was even more shocked. He stated that the ball went for $189, when it first came out.

The pro drilled the ball 5x4, pin above the ring finger and CG under my palm. No balance hole. I wanted the ball to have length with a strong arc. I prefer bowling down and in.

After a practice session with the ball I learned that in its OOB condition it tends to struggle at bit in lane conditions where the backends are dry.I got length I wanted, but the ball hit a dry spot and hooked early and took a hard left, either going brooklyn or missing the head pin altogether.

If I were to use the Vendetta for dry lane conditions. I would need to add some polish to it, or bowl it straight without adding polish. But, I use my C300 Scout/R for dry lanes.

I have not yet used the ball on med. oil conditions, that'll come in a few days, as the league starts, and I am excited to see how the ball does on THS. After bowling a number of games on THS, I will update this review.

I find this ball to be very smooth and controllable, and I am very comfortable with it. I am confident that I made a great choice in selecting the Vendetta. The rest is now up to me to be a consistent bowler. I do believe this ball will help my increase my average and scores as long as I am consistent with my delivery.

Stay tuned BAT-fans! Same BAT-time, Same BAT-channel!



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Re: Vendetta
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2007, 08:51:17 PM »
This is a supplemental review....

I have bowled some additional games with the DT Vendetta (red/black) in OOB condition. I bowled on fresh oiled Brunswick synthetic lane, THS (medium oil) at my home lane.

FRESH BACKENDS: When the backends are fresh and heavy, the ball does not hook well. In order for the ball to perform well on fresh backends altering the cover is necessary. I did not have the materials to alter the cover, nor was the pro shop open. If it were possible to adjust the cover, I mostly likely would have adjusted to 1000 or 2000 abralon with no polish.  With the cover altered, I believe the ball would have performed admirably.

BROKEN DOWN BACKENDS: This is where the ball excels. On broken down backends, the ball had friction and was able to make a nice strong arc into the pocket. Due to my inconsistencies in my delivery, at times the ball when brooklyn, but was still able to make solid contact on the head pin, and produce a strike. No alterations to the cover was needed. I cleaned the ball between games.

DRY BACKENDS: On dry backends the ball lost power. It did not hit with the impact as when the backends were broken down, or beginning to break down. It must have oil on the backends to do it's stuff, or the ball needed polish.  I did not have any polish with me to adjust the cover.

SUMMARIZATION: The DT Vendetta is a very solid ball. I enjoy bowling with it, and I hope to have it in my developing arsenal for a long time. The more I bowl with it, the more I learn about the conditions this ball excels in, provided of course I am consistent in my delivery. I believe with alterations to the cover to deal with the backend conditions that I mentioned above, this ball would work well, and could hold it's own.

I do find the Vendetta to be a forgiving ball. It reads the mid-lane very well and gathers strength towards the pockets. When it hits the pocket the pins will fly and you hear a "loud clap" when it strikes. It is a very unique sound!

I also think this ball would be a good choice for a beginner/intermediate bowler to learn to hook with, it would also do well in the hands of a more experienced bowler.

I may look for a ball for fresh medium oil THS to compliment my current Vendetta.  Something in the medium to medium heavy range. Hopefully, I can find another DT ball to do the job. Or, find another Vendetta with same weight and pin placement, and have the cover altered.

But, alas, DT...The real DT has been outsourced by the nefarious Ebonite. Finding DT balls are rare.


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