In great condition, only about 20 games. I can't seem to find a place for this in my arsenal. The roll is too similar to my other heavy oil balls, so this needs to find a new home.
ball will be resurfaced, revived and will put any finish you want on it (sanded 220-2000 - polished 500,800,1200, 1500, 2000, 3500) or Factory Finish
good for heavy house shots, with my stroker style this ball has a nice skid snap into the pocket.
LH, the ball was plugged and redrilled because it was too strong
span is about 4 7/8ths by 4 7/16ths
grips are vise, sizes 3 & 3.5 (will be removed or kept per your request)
$15.00 plus actual fedex shipping.
Paypal or Credit Card
I miss Dyno-thane!
Edited on 3/26/2008 10:10 PM
Edited on 3/26/2008 10:10 PM
Edited on 4/1/2008 5:18 PM