Well first things first, this is not for me, rather my niece. I need to find her a 12lb ball, and I want to get her one with a "real core" in it so she has a chance to compete a little more than she does right now. She is only 10 and been bowling for 3 years. Her parents split, and now she is off living with her dad. Which means she is in a new school and bowling alley, with the change in bowling alley she is seeing a new conditon where her equipment is just not what it needs to be. She finally pulled off a 214 for her first 200 game, the other day and was EXTREMELY happy about it. She is using a Columbia Spirt 2 right now that is too light and has no core to speak of, but shes still doing ok. Enough bragging about her, I'm pretty proud, but she needs a ball that will help her out a little. she is now bowling on synthetics and needs some bite to the ball. She has a basic stroker approach, not lots of revs, but enough to get the ball to move. So what ball in the d/t line up would give her a controllable reaction, in some oil and still be affordable. There is just no way we can spend 120+ on a ball for her until she stops getting stronger and quits growing. Any suggestions? and where can I find her one that will still leave money for her to actually bowl? Thanks in advance for any help guys and gals.