Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: LadyW on April 13, 2007, 02:51:02 PM
I purchased a #13 Vendetta Black when they were originally released.
Does anyone know what exact weight block was used in that ball and the corresponding rg and differential numbers at the 13# weight.
I tried e-mailing Dynothane on March 1st but I still have not received an answer. I had forgotten that they changed ownership.
Any help would be appreciated.
Send a PM to newguy or X Guy (formerly other guy). newguy is Phil Cardinale, the former head honcho at DT, X Guy was one of the DT vice presidents, or something like that.
Thanks for the heads up Shelley. I took your advice and will hopefully get a response.
Phil's pretty busy with his new company, 300 Global, but he's usually on a couple of times a week. Might take a day or two for him to get back to you, maybe Monday.
Thanks X Guy for your quick response and for filling in the missing piece from my puzzle.
Care to enlighten the rest of us? Or is this a trade secret?
Care to enlighten the rest of us? Or is this a trade secret?
I wanna know as well !
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Robo-Arm bowlers SUCK...
No secret LOL I just didn't think that anyone would really be interested.
According to X Guy the 13# weight block is quite a bit lighter than the 14#. The rg is up around 2.60 and the differential is .022. The ball will go longer and react smoother than the 14# and up will at 2.53 and .042.
I've always had some carry issues with this ball compared to my other 13# equipment and could never understand why. Now it makes more sense.