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Author Topic: 3-Ball D/T VENDETTA Arsenal  (Read 1110 times)


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3-Ball D/T VENDETTA Arsenal
« on: September 27, 2006, 10:14:59 AM »
Not to insult Long Roller's Thread, but I'm looking for a 3-ball arsenal with the current Vendetta's.  I'd like one ball each for heavy, medium, and dry lanes, not counting a spare ball.  Also if there's any type of wet-sanding or polishing needed to meet those simple requirements would be much helpful.

So far from what I've read and discovered would be this:
Wet - Black Solid (with possible wet sanding)
Medium - 357 Magnum
Dry - nothing, unless I use the non-Vendetta Crisis Pearl.

Once again any help would be great.  Thanks.



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Re: 3-Ball D/T VENDETTA Arsenal
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2006, 06:38:18 PM »
It's all relative to what kind of conditions you actually see, surface types, your style, etc.

However...IF I had to go to the lanes with just Vendetta's I would utilize the following (from the current line-up):

Vendetta Sniper
44 Magnum
357 Magnum

Right now in league play I'm utilizing my Sniper and 357 as my main balls to combat what I see.  If I wanted the 357 to play on lighter conditions I would've drilled it differently and maybe hit it with 4000 abralon to control the backend, beyond the drilling.

Is this something you are seriously thinking of doing?  Also...are you locked into just their current offerings or are you willing to give something like the Vendetta Maxx a try for heavier conditions?
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: 3-Ball D/T VENDETTA Arsenal
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2006, 08:10:08 PM »
I really want to start throwing Dynothane equipment.  I don't have one yet, and want to starting bringing it into my arsenal.  None of the proshops here carry D/T, so I'll have to order it online.  Luckilly D/T uses the same drill patterns as Storm, so my pro shop guy will know what I want and how to drill it.

All the houses in my area use the same wet/dry pattern, 10-to-10, crowned at about 30-35 feet down the lane.  I have medium ball speed, but high revs, so I would consider myself more of a tweener than a cranker.

Currently I have a Cuda 2000, a Storm El Nino and a Storm El Nino Wrath in my arsenal.  The Cuda and El Nino are used balls from a good friend of mine.  Neither one had more than 5 games on each ball, really great condition.  The Wrath I've had for 7 years and I'm ready to retire it.  So this is where the Vendetta's come in for me.

I also prefer the skid/flip reaction, which allows me to play down and in or really open up when the lanes dry up.

I'm not locked into anything, and I'd prefer D/T's current lineup instead of a discontinued ball, like the Maxx.  And I'm a 200+ avg bowler with just these old balls, so I know I don't need the most expensive ball.  I can make small adjustments with my approach or release to get what I need.  It's been a long time since I've had a new ball, and after hearing a lot of good things from Dynothane, I'd rather throw something that everyone else doesn't have around these parts.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it.  lol.  Thanks for the reply.

Edited on 9/27/2006 8:05 PM

Edited on 9/27/2006 8:06 PM

Edited on 9/27/2006 8:11 PM


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Re: 3-Ball D/T VENDETTA Arsenal
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2006, 11:24:16 PM »
On those terms I would go..

SNIPER taken to maybe 1000 grit for the heavier end of medium to light heavy
Mag 44
Mag 357


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Re: 3-Ball D/T VENDETTA Arsenal
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2006, 08:45:05 AM »
The must have ball right now I would say is the 44 as far as a benchmark.  The 357 can go below it.  I find the Maxx to handle a lot more oil than the Sniper, however if you are playing standard house shots the Sniper with some sanding would do the trick.

44 Has more arc and is less angular than the 357.  The 357 is about 3-5 feet longer than the 44 with more of a pop on the backend.  The Sniper reads the midlane more because of the partical load and grips earlier than either the 44 or the Magnum.
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