
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: kendog on February 18, 2004, 07:08:12 PM

Title: Am I just a Sucker or What!
Post by: kendog on February 18, 2004, 07:08:12 PM
I was telling my driller last night about the Soaker coverstock. He's a PBA and probably the best fitter I've had to date. Anyway, when I told him some about the Dyno equipment, he says, "Don't believe everything you read, they're no more durable than any other ball. And I never clean any of my equipment, just wipe it off after each shot". Basically he's saying the Soaker is just hype.

Well, I know the balls soak up oil, and I know that cleaning them periodically keeps them looking better, and reacting better than most other people's equipment, or is it all in my head?!?.. Any way, he says the same thing about Elixir too. Of course he doesn't want to say I know anything he doesn't know, maybe that's part of it too.
avoids spare shooting at all costs
just throw strikes
Title: Re: Am I just a Sucker or What!
Post by: BadShot on February 19, 2004, 10:24:30 AM
to me, being a member of the pba means absolutely nothing.  average 200, pay the money, and you're in.  no training required.

he may know how to fit a ball, but you can learn that in about 30 minutes.  and is there "one way" to do it???  heck no!!

i've been fortunate to have a couple of drillers that are dedicated to the game, and search out new ideas and techniques.  they know about ball/core dynamics.  but there are alot of "drillers" out there that don't know squat.

until the PBA has standards for being admitted into the organization, and continuing education requirements (like the Professional GOLF Ass'n does), i wouldn't necessarily take their comments as being knowledgeable.

who gave this guy his "knowledge"???  is it better than yours??  probably not.
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .
Title: Re: Am I just a Sucker or What!
Post by: kendog on February 19, 2004, 10:28:07 AM
I knew I could count on gettin' some good counselin'... whew! I feel a lot better now. LOL

I may just do the lane oil test with him to see what happens. I may also bring along my Blueberry treated with Elixir, I've already done that test.
avoids spare shooting at all costs
just throw strikes
Title: Re: Am I just a Sucker or What!
Post by: jimensminger on February 19, 2004, 10:41:21 AM
"it's not all in your head", and you answered your own question in your second paragraph. If it works best for you, then continue to do it. In todays bowling environment ball maintenance is essential to maintain performance and longivity.
I was at the PBA stop yesterday in Dallas, and the pro paddock area was crammed with pros caring for and cleaning their equipment,...keeping their surfaces in tip-top condition is their livelyhood, and may mean the difference from a check or not. Performance is the name of the game, my thoughts are if you take care of your equipment,'ll take care of you. As for the Soaker coverstock, Phil has explained, and addressed it many times on this and other sites. I don't always believe everything I read either, every ball manufacture has their this-and-that  that claims to be better than everyone else. Proof is in your satisfaction and results....also I've never met a pro shop guy that didn't know everything,..ha, what's important is what you're happy

Title: Re: Am I just a Sucker or What!
Post by: Phillip Marlowe on February 19, 2004, 10:50:32 AM
Ken, I've tried balls with almost every coverstock on the market.  Your driller is flat wrong.  The soaker does last substantially longer and perform at an acceptable level longer than reactive or particle coverstocks from Columbia/Track/AMF/Morich, Ebonite/Hammer, Storm/Rotogrip and Visionary.  It seems to last somewhat better, though the difference is not as clear, than Brunswick coverstocks -- which can be more easily revived than the Columbia, Ebonite and Storm family reactives (whose particles just flat go blah).  It does need periodic cleaning and, in my experience, resurfacing after about 120-160 games (it begins to lose some reaction).  After a resurfacing, in my experience, the performance comes back to near new (which is where you want it anyway for this coverstock) for another 140 or so, before it needs another resurface.  So far (and I bowl about 30-60 games a week) I haven't seen one come to the end of its useful life.  

Perhaps what your driller is referring to is "new ball" reaction.  Well, the Soaker does lose that reaction after about 20-30 games.  But, quite directly, the new ball reactions on the soaker are not nearly as good as the reaction once the coverstock is broken in.  From my experience, the soaker has longer top level performance than almost any other coverstock -- probably any other, though some of the Brunswick coverstocks (not my favorite on performance) seem extremely durable and long-lasting if maintained properly.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Title: Re: Am I just a Sucker or What!
Post by: kendog on February 19, 2004, 11:14:49 AM
I can guess as to what his response to that will be, is there data or studies, or is that just another declaration. Is that your experience testing all that other equipment against Soaker, or the company testing.
avoids spare shooting at all costs
just throw strikes

Edited on 2/19/2004 12:10 PM
Title: Re: Am I just a Sucker or What!
Post by: Phillip Marlowe on February 19, 2004, 11:24:19 AM
I can guess as to what his response to that will be, is there data or studies, or is that just another declaration. Is that your experience testing all that other equipment against Soaker, or the company testing.
avoids spare shooting at all costs
just throw strikes

Edited on 2/19/2004 12:10 PM

Frankly, I don't know squat about company testing.  I know what I have found and what other bowlers I know have found.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Title: Re: Am I just a Sucker or What!
Post by: jimensminger on February 19, 2004, 11:45:40 AM
my ball driller and I agree to disagree all the time. He's by far the smartest man he knows.

If you, the customer, like a product and are satisfied with it's performance, that's what counts......DynoThanes performance is what has brought it to the forefront of the industry in such a short time,...not advertising tricks or gimmicks,...somethings working. je
Title: Re: Am I just a Sucker or What!
Post by: kendog on February 19, 2004, 11:47:54 AM
one thing I know is that I have one, so I guess I'll just know here after a bit.
avoids spare shooting at all costs
just throw strikes