Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: DynoLess Daddy on December 09, 2003, 02:49:47 AM
The new Anomaly is awesome... I was not a real big fan of the soaker cover but matched up now with their new core and I love it..
You will really be able to open up the lanes with this ball..
Besides the color...the Anomaly really allows for a deeper line and strong roll and recovery..not to mention the great carry..
Way to go guys!!
Kendra, Drew, Phil and Billy
Dyno Daddy
Ft Bliss Pro Shop
(915) 568 7974
Drilled mine up last night. Pin (3") just right of the ring finger and the cg under the ring finger just above the span center line, box surface 1000 smooth, no extra holes. This is a true story..after getting the ball drilled, out to the lanes I went..It's about an hour and a half before league starts and they just finished running the lanes. I usually warm up slowly, and last night was no exception. I walked to the foul line threw the ball slowing out across the middle of the lane and struck. I did that a couple more times just trying to loosen up and struck two more times. Ok, I feel ready now, so I line up, normal approach and release, swing the ball from 18 to about 8 and strike. After a few of those that just crunched the pocket,..I moved right and went more direct, and struck the next 3-4 shots...this ball is great and has great hitting power...My wife tells me that that was 11 in a row, I throw the next one for 12 in a row...first 12 balls I throw all strikes..
I bowled for about another 15 minutes and this ball is quite a performer. I could move all over the lane and get this ball to hit. Most impressive is it's ability to get down the lane, through the heads so smoothly and really whack'em on the back end. This will be a great ball when you need to cut through the early oil, and or get a ball to finish and hit when the oil starts to carry down, This ball reads the lanes great, and carry was exceptional. This one will be the first ball out for me on the fresh...jimensminger
How did you get an Anomaly already? I want one...

*This space is currently available for lease*
SIR...have your pro shop check with their distributor,..The balls should be arriving this week. Get your orders in early..This one is a keeper..!!!
I haven't received mine either. Should be delivered today. The Dyno-thane HQ hasn't received their seed balls either!!
Hey Jim
You are definitely right.. this is a keeper!!
On the house shot last night I only managed to use the ball for 2 games...normally I last longer but because the ball is so strong, I had to make a change..
You say inside or out side... just throw this ball and watch the anomaly!!!!!
get it before it's gone......
Ft Bliss Pro Shop
(915) 568 7974
I wish you'd enter a profile so we can check your style and make that mini-review you posted here meaningful to the rest of us: it would give us a general idea if what you experienced would be applicable to our game.
Also, did you have any idea what that pattern might be? "fresh" is pretty meanignless since we haven't bowled on it.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
Edited on 12/10/2003 1:17 PM
Anyway we can get a picture of this thing?
Chas...I posted a profile. and the fresh that I bowled on was synthetics, stripped and run, with a taper from gutter to gutter, heavy in the middle, down to about 28' and buffed out to 38-40 feet and the backs really dry...we get quick carry down with this shot, and the track drys up after about a game and a half of league bowling, 5 on a team......pretty typical house league shot I guess, I'm averaging 232, and use a different ball almost each week.
Anyway we can get a picture of this thing?
We already have photos of the Thing.
Ok, gimme like 30 minutes and I'll update the website. Be back soon.
Chas...I posted a profile. and the fresh that I bowled on was synthetics, stripped and run, with a taper from gutter to gutter, heavy in the middle, down to about 28' and buffed out to 38-40 feet and the backs really dry...we get quick carry down with this shot, and the track drys up after about a game and a half of league bowling, 5 on a team......pretty typical house league shot I guess, I'm averaging 232, and use a different ball almost each week.
Thanks, "jim".
"232"? Now I'm really depressed ...
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
Edited on 12/10/2003 3:04 PM
Average is all relative,...the lanes are easy, the carry is good and it's fun bowling in a mixed league with friends and family. I use my league bowling to try out new equipment, practice different lines and releases, and most of all spare shooting...Plus using all Dynothane equipment makes striking easy..
I have to agree with your comments Jim
Here is the latest..
40 ft house pattern basic top 8 to 8 run up tp 35 foot with buff to 40ft.
Ball recovers well and carries like nothing in dt arsenal so far. I noticed that with the 5x3.5 drill I wqas able to play in and out...When carry down hit, I was able to fluff ball or rev early for great carry...280 259 210...only thing left is in this particular house with as many rev righty's that showed up, a change to vendetta would have picked up third game score...but the key was to see how it held up to the lanes getting torched in mid lane....a little polish should do the trick......
dt baby
Ft Bliss Pro Shop
(915) 568 7974
I guess from dynamics of Anomaly and Element,coverstock of Anomaly is enhanced version of the soaker resin.
Otherwise,I think that Anomaly does not hook more than Element.
Edited on 12/11/2003 8:44 AM
New guy, what kind of layout did you use in the Anomaly?
Also, could you compare it to similar layouts in other equipment?
Thanks, Ted
Thank you,new guy

Anomaly will be a revolutionary bowling ball!!
pure unadulterated hook in a box. Enjoy!!!
I know I asked for it, but...Mojo, you are getting very sleepy. Your eyes are getting must BUY THE FRIGGIN ANOMOLY NOW!
See how easy sales can be Phil? A little hypnosis and...
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Judging from the new charts on, the Vendetta Particle is earlier than the Anomaly. Correct, guys?
so whens this ball hit the market?????
Brian, ask your pro shop guy to check with is distributor,..they should be showing up anytime...
This morning there was a NIB 15 lb. on E bay
The one on E Bay is still there, 15 lb. , 3 oz. TW, 3" Pin. Item number 3645288251 seller ID is bowlingsales, "But it Now" for $115.00 .
Apparently McCune used the Anomaly during the whole match be won against Mika. "I was using a new ball by Dynothane, the Anomaly and it reacted super all match." (quote from story on Did he use the same ball when he lost to Duke in the round of 16? Tough match (Norm Duke 238, 234, 245, 237 Eugene McCune 237, 212, 246, 236).