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Author Topic: Anomaly Surface  (Read 942 times)

Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Anomaly Surface
« on: February 11, 2004, 04:09:49 PM »
I have only put 6 games on my Anomaly, but I have noticed that the ball is considerably shinier than it was fresh out of the box.  Is this normal?  I wipe the ball off with my microfiber towel after every shot, but have not cleaned it since new guy recommended cleaning it once a month at best with soap and water.

I assume it has absorbed oil and that is why it doesn't appear as dull as it was out of the box.  I hope this won't take any reaction out of the ball.

Maybe I shouldn't worry, and just trust the Soaker...

What do y'all think?
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Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Re: Anomaly Surface
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2004, 10:48:34 AM »
I bowl in 3 leagues all in the same house.  Good amount of oil (41' shot).  I guess I'll just keep an eye on the ball and see...
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