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Author Topic: anomaly video  (Read 10512 times)

Doc Hollywood

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anomaly video
« on: January 24, 2004, 12:00:38 AM »
Here is a video of me an my anomaly.  I put a piece of white tape in the middle of my span to show how this ball revs.  There are two videos now.  One hitting it for the crankers and the second stroking it.

The video is a little washed out because the lighting was poor and so we tried to lighten it up so you could see it.  Just click on the link.
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Edited on 1/26/2004 4:38 PM


Doc Hollywood

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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2004, 09:50:34 AM »
Okay Rick
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Doc Hollywood

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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2004, 11:01:21 AM »
Zack - The ball seems to be pretty versatile.  That is what i look for in a ball.  I want something that I can play up the boards or swing the lane.  I want to have some freedom with the ball so I can stay with one ball and just move or change hand positions.

I am still experimenting with this one and may even plug it and redrill it.

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Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2004, 11:47:48 AM »
34 feet is a "ton" of oil?

Our typical league shot is 41 feet.

Doc, can you shoot a video on say a pattern of 40 feet + ?

I am looking at the possibility of buying this ball, but I do not need another ball that skids too much through the heads, midlane, and then revs up in the backend...
*This space is currently available for lease*

Doc Hollywood

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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2004, 03:26:31 PM »
Sir bowl-a-lot - I am not sure if you read all of this post but there was an extremely large volume of oil on the lanes.  I estimated that the oil was 34 feet I was not positive the lane guy was swearing up a storm and I didn't want to bother him.  The lane guy was working on the lane machine that day because most balls would not even wrinkle.  The Anomaly can handle a large volume of oil in my opinion and that it is very friendly to different releases.  The backends were good in this case but I would suspect that if you were bowling on a longer oil pattern you wouldn't try to swing the ball as much as I did on this video.  

I read your profile and do you really mean 45 degrees of tilt?  If so that would make you more of a spinner and that would not be conducive to swinging the lanes in heavy oil.  If you meant 45 degrees of axis rotation that may be much better.  

In the video where I swing the ball there are 19 revs on the ball before hitting the pocket when viewed on my camera in slow motion set at 500 frames a second.  I tried to throw the same shot with the Labyrinth and the Freak and they would not make it back.  Often falling off into the gutter.  I have bowled on heavy oil but none that would leave as much on the ball as this pattern had.  

Toma - Most of that video was really dark due to shooting at the higher shutter speed.  Not to mention the alley is a little dark as well.

I wish there were a few houses around here that put up longer oil patterns out here but I haven't come across any.  Then again there aren't that many that put up wall shots either.

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Doc Hollywood

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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2004, 04:10:46 PM »
Update on the Anomaly.

Sir Bowl-A-Lot I talked with the Laneman today and this is the info I got from him.  ABC just came out and verified/graphed the lanes.  The oil is Legend medium viscosity 40 feet.  4 units 0-5, 10 units 5-10 and 40 units 10-10 in the middle.  The heaviest concentration is up front 15 feet then slowly tapering out 2 to 1 at 40.

I shot another video of a close up look at the ball and lane with more of a stroker shot and will post that as soon as Leftside gets that back to me.

By the way last week's video was of even heavier concentration across the middle.  There were too many complaints so the pattern is as described above now.  Also today there were very light oil rings on the ball today unlike the dripping stuff that was there last week.

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Edited on 1/29/2004 5:11 PM


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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2004, 01:37:23 AM »
The video`s dont seem to be up any more..
If your not using a Lane#1, Buy one from me!

Doc Hollywood

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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2004, 08:56:39 AM »
Check again I think they are up.
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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2004, 10:30:14 AM »
still no go
If your not using a Lane#1, Buy one from me!


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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2004, 11:35:20 AM »
yeah it worked
If your not using a Lane#1, Buy one from me!


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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2004, 03:52:43 AM »
Hey Doc,

You want to help revise this review as to what we saw happen on friday(1/30/04)?  I have customers who think this is a hook monster bud...I never have and never will mislead any of my customers, I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.  

When you get a chance, send me the other 2 vids, I'd like to see it.  Who did you say does this again?  Thanks.

Rick Leong
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Edited on 1/31/2004 9:52 AM
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Doc Hollywood

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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2004, 11:27:36 AM »
Rick here is an update as we discussed last night.

In the beginning there was medium oil on the lanes with some carry down.  This ball just didn't want to move on the backend as in the video.  As the night went on this ball did move once it could find a little dry.  

I believe this ball will recover from anywhere when it hits the dry.

At the end I was throwing it over the gutter and out to 5 and it was coming back strong.  Too strong I might add.  Any dry and this ball will move!!!

Rick feels that this is more of a medium oil possible a medium heavy ball but it needs dry.  At least the way the ball is set up now with the factory in box finish.  Now I am not as good of a bowler as Rick is but he wouldn't throw my 15lb ball he said he didn't want to risk injury.  He throws the sissy weight 14lb, LOL.  I had hoped that he would throw the ball so he could tell the difference.

I still feel that this ball can be set up for heavy oil by making a few changes.  I am going to plug it and redrill to a different pattern one that will roll a little sooner and I will alter the coverstock.  It is still factory.  I feel that this ball has the potential to be a heavy oil ball with carry down.  After plugging and redrilling and playing with the cover I will test and repost.

In the original video the condition was fresh and they had cleaned the backends So the ball had dry.  

I apologize if I had misled any of you with the video.  I will make another video for you all to see with the new drilling.

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B Pirnie

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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2004, 06:43:57 PM »
I think the Anomaly is a heavy oil ball. My experience has been that it will roll very quickly when the head oil gets depleted. This results in a weak back end reaction, much like an axis drilled ball, the ball continues hooking but has no flip.
 I was lucky in that my Anomaly will stabilize its roll with the d/t logo as the axis. I use it on the fresh with stripped backends and it stabilizes just before the pins. After a few games the ball will be progressively weaker to the pocket. You can see the d/t logo stabilize much sooner down the lane. It shows me the ball isn't skidding on carry down its burned in the fronts. This is happening on rough wood lanes with guardian overlay.
 Just my view on the Anomaly anomaly is it for heavy oil or not.


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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2004, 10:47:28 PM »
Thanks for the clarification Doc, I just wanted to clarify to those who asked me that if you say a ball is for Heavy oil, it should hook up early on a med condition and even earlier on dry, correct?  Well, I watched the ball slide 60 feet in med oil on friday and it wasn't until the lane dried up that it responded some.  Even your Time Zone went brooklyn from 10 board in game 3, that's how dry it got.  Don't get me wrong, I don't thnik the ball is bad or anything, it was just not as strong as your vid depicts it.  You had the ideal shot to make any ball hook almost, great head oil, blended toward center and screaming backends.  Actually, if you had tried an aggressive resin, it would have probably outhooked the Anomaly or any heavy particle.  

Being a shop owner over the years has made me even more detailed then I normally am.  I can't recommend something to a customer just to make a sale.  For those whom I've already helped know this but I will repeat"I'm not a used car salesman".  We have enough of those in the business and elsewhere.  Anyway, If I recommend a product that does not produce, I've lost a customer and posssibly a friend.  Not in the business to get rich...just really love the game and like helping others.  Thanks again for the post Doc, wasn't attacking you bud (and I Apologize if you felt I was) but I know there are many out here who listen to and respect you and if they ran out to buy this because of you, and it didn't perform?  They start to lose trust in you too...thanks again.
Rick Leong
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Doc Hollywood

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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2004, 11:44:14 PM »
No problem Rick.  I have already plugged the ball and waiting to cut the plug down and redrill. I may have it ready for Friday night again to see if we have the same condition.

On the same condition as the video I must say that none of the othe balls I threw could not recover from the same angle.  That included the Freak, Labyrinth, Crunch, Stinger 2 piece black sanded.

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Edited on 2/2/2004 0:43 AM


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Re: anomaly video
« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2004, 04:26:58 AM »
Hey Doc,

Do you have anything stronger then the balls you just mentioned?  Try them too..they should give you a much better look.  Also if you didn't polish the heck out of everything, it might help.  Take that Freak back down to 600 and try it, should give you a whole different look.

Last note, if you want to say I'm a better bowler(thank you), the only reason I score more is because I pay attention to what the lane actually gives you.  At my incredible speed of about 14 mph(w/ my sissy weight), I HAVE to find head oil to slide and find the right amount of midlane roll and then finish to carry because I'm not throwing much more turn then you with my broken wrist release. This is having what we call the eye in bowling, being able to spot reaction and move to it to play it with the correct amount of skid, roll, and hook.  The late great Earl Anthony problably did it the best because he was able to blow racks and carry a high percentage with less revs then most.  If revs were the simple answer, why does Robert Smith still leave 10 pins??  The ball still has to hit the pins while it's still driving to assist in the chain reaction to carry.  This is very similar to reading a green(thats why I can't putt), I can't read a green as well as my friends because I don't have the eye yet to pick up on grain and minute breaks in the green.  Remember a few weeks ago when I lined you up and you went 200 and 225, that's all it is.  I have a good eye to see ball reaction and what to do with it.  Don't worry bud...if you pay closer attention to ball reaction, you'll learn what to do with it too soon.  See you on friday....
Rick Leong
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