
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: Jordy on August 28, 2005, 05:00:55 AM

Title: Anomaly vs. Vertigo
Post by: Jordy on August 28, 2005, 05:00:55 AM
Can anyone please comment from experience which of these balls would be the best choice for heavy oil patterns? I'm mostly a down and in bowler.
Title: Re: Anomaly vs. Vertigo
Post by: sbla on August 31, 2005, 02:22:11 AM
I would strongly recommend the Vertigo.  When you talk about oil, the V is the one.  If you could find a Fear Factor, that would be a good move as well, plus you may save a few bucks.
Title: Re: Anomaly vs. Vertigo
Post by: legend4life95 on August 31, 2005, 06:44:35 AM
The Anomaly turds out after it gets a few games in it and it starts hitting like a cream puff. I would go with the Vertigo cause it can handle more oil and carry down for me.

That is not true. I had 2 anomalys both had several hundred games on them and were still as strong as day one. I still have one of them. I have never heard of anyone having coverstock death with a soaker ball.

****Kids in the back seat cause accidents; accidents in the back seat cause kids.****
Title: Re: Anomaly vs. Vertigo
Post by: legend4life95 on August 31, 2005, 06:49:53 AM
As for comparing the 2, I have never thrown a vertigo so I can't speak for it. The anomaly is a great ball that can handle heavy oil. It's not gonna hook coast to coast b/c thats not the intention of heavy oilers. It has a smooth strong arc and that is consistent in the oil. If you're playing on heavy oil then you need not try to get a ball to hook the whole lane.

****Kids in the back seat cause accidents; accidents in the back seat cause kids.****
Title: Re: Anomaly vs. Vertigo
Post by: njv29 on August 31, 2005, 11:17:09 AM
I have thrown both, and I have to say that a Vertigo would be a better choice, but still not the best choice for heavy oil. Both balls are solid reactive, both have moderatly low RG and high Differentials. The Vertigo seems to just be the stronger of the two, and can handle slightly heavier oil.

If you truly want a ball for heavy oil, as in not a "heavy league shot", then you should look into either a low to high load particle ball (the Trifecta and the new Pure Energy come to mind) or an even more aggresive reactive than the Anomoly, such as the Thing Lives or the Pure Energy.