Ok, understand a ball company can have a following but it doesn't make sense to over charge just for a particular core shape over any other. The Diamond shape core is yes a "proven" core but so is the standard pancake and lightbulb styles ones too.
Lane 1 made in brunswick factory, ok that is a well known fact. Another well known fact, Dynothane is made in the storm factory. So why do you listen when the company uses that as an excuse to explain why there prices are higher than other average high end releases. With there own actual tour staff( dynothane has, Lane one does not), with new cover designs( soaker), and lane one using brunswick covers and there special patented Diamond core. Logically i can explain spending more on a dynothane ball that a comparably priced ball from example : storm. But in fact there priced slightly lower than high end releases from storm.
IF you think for a few minutes using your business caps. The dynothane profit margins are likely lower per ball than Lane One's is. They have to deal with the middle man( manufactures) to get the product to your proshop too. So does lane one but they charge everyone below them in the supply chain more. To me it doesn't make sense to charge more. Dynothane's balls and business practices to me make alot more sense than lane one's. That is why i can easily justify buying a dyno ball over a Lane one ball any day.
Dynothane= Very Good Product, at better than market prices.
Lane 1= Good Product that gets rehashed, at unreasonable prices.
If a company like track for example used the Morpheus core in all it's balls as it's basis for there core design what would you think? Little stale? Don't ya say? Balls are honestly not as well marketed by lane one as Dynothane's are. Although i do love the flash video music to Lane 1's site( gooooo TCM!!!) and dynothane does have any flash graphics. ( Tony, lol how bout some cool bowling vids, it's all the crazy in the Lane one forums

Just two cents from a former proshop operator that would rather drill and sell a customer a ball from Dyno than Lane 1.
I am Canadian Dude! GOO BIG FIN!!! MIKA K ALL THE WAY!