Ball one the assy flip drilled ball is 4 1/2 pin to pap and dont know exact on mb but just right of the thumb about 1/2 inch and just below slightly maybe around 5 1/2 mb to pap or 6 inch mb to pap at the most. Ball is just drill sheet says good on mediums with carrydown turns very hard when heads dry alittle and i mean just alittle. I used brunswick rough buff which has no grit but polishes on high speed with alot of water burning it in on my spinner. This ball turns over very hard and in box flared around 5-6 inches in oil.
Ball two got it for 105 shipped from a secret dynothane source i think he needed christmas money lol It had almost same specs as the first ball except it weighed 7 ounces more my other ball was 14 lb 13 oz before drilling the lightest ball i have drilled in awhile. So i went 4 1/4 pin to pap and right around 4 inch mb to pap i never honestly measure exacts on mb just point to the spot for the driller and state what i think it will do and we go back and forth if i am right or wrong
Ball two mb is in the strong position give or take an inch and this ball is flat out oil eating machine, it acts just like a big one if you have seen one of those roll in heavier soup yet??? Ball flares no kidding here 7.5-8 inches in oil probably the whole ball when you count rings from the backend you cannot see on the ball easily. Funny part is who would think the mb shift would make that much difference well it sure does because the pin distance is within 1/4 inch to pap. This ball starts earlier and never stops and i mean never stops it keeps going through the pin deck until it hits the back.
The only ball close to ball two i have ever owned is the Big One with a weaker drilling my Big One is drilled just like Ball one is. The big one is probably stronger in oil but it would be a toss up for hitting power when there is oil. If less than mediums both balls really are turds too throw they both tell you when to put them away, I find that weaker mb placements on most balls work better for me because i lack tilt and my ball is going left too soon already so weaker mb lets me get through the heads better and than retain the energy to hit hard still.
The stronger drilled CM is rare that i have great success with a ball that has such a strong mb and still hits well for me. You cannot go wrong with either drilling depends what you need right now and your speed,tilt and revs. You are lucky enough to have kotm as your driller i have good drillers also but not as well at mb balls as KOTM is.