Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: charlest on September 17, 2005, 07:09:05 AM
Ok, so sometimes, I'm the one they ask this kind of question, but I have not been using DT balls as much as I probably should lately. Soooo, my curiosity was peaked about a couple of items:
In the current DT ball line-up, which ball would be closest in overall oil handling and ball reaction as Brunswick's Absolute Inferno?
This is a pointed question, given the huge number of AI users I have seen locally, as well as the people who claim, on this website, to have used one very successfully. Now, I know the Track equivalent is the Arsenal Reactive.
I'm inclined to think the High Energy (or, distant 2nd guess: the Vendetta Sniper with an outside possibility of the AU79 with some surface adjustment), but I cannot say for sure. I just don't have enough experience.
Now I want experience to talk here, not guesses. I can guess with the best of them; not what I'd like right now. (Rereading this last line sounds kind of nasty; it wasn't intended that way. It was more of: "just the facts, Ma'am" - a la Sgt. Joe Friday.)
Bowling: Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, you only have to get close.
Life: Deal with what is.
Edited on 9/17/2005 9:09 PM
Jeff--Best person who is a good right hander is Jim Ensminger. I won't hazard a guess as that is all it would be.
I also think that Billy and Phil could offer up a good suggestion on this...

I would hazard a guess and say that a Thing Lives or maybe a High Energy with the correct surface prep could get you close. This is only based off of what I have seen when throwing these balls next to my friends AI.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
The more I look at the specs of the High ENergy, the more I think I know this ball, the better handle I get on it. Woudl still like to hear more from people who use it. (Goof, I'll read your review again. thanx.)
Bowling: Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, you only have to get close.
Life: Deal with what is.
I did have a HE for a while and didnt like the reacton.. compared to the AI with the stock cover... not even close to the same reaction. I have numerous Dt balls (7 to be exact) and i would recommend either the vendetta sniper(particle pearl) or maybe even a energy with the right drilling. I have also have a AU79 and from my experience the AI is similar but the AI is a tad stronger. I hope that helps
I can't compare using different balls,...only D/t to D/t,....but if you send me 3 ABSOLUTE INFERNOs, I send you one Au79,...that's fair. That's just from watching..
I can't compare using different balls,...only D/t to D/t,....but if you send me 3 ABSOLUTE INFERNOs, I send you one Au79,...that's fair. That's just from watching..
Since I don't have any AIs, but I have one AU79 ....
How about if I send you one used, twice drilled Shock and Awe (same coverstock) ??? 
Bowling: Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, you only have to get close.
Life: Deal with what is.
I'll pass,..maybe make a boat anchor
Charlest, I hope this will help you. I have thrown the AI, and the Shock and Awe. Both have the same cover S&A has a stronger core. The Ai was drilled Rico, and was very controllable was able to throw it on a fresh medium THS. The S&A was a good 3-5 boards stronger overall than the AI, but it was drilled strong (sharp move) at the break point. I now have sold both and have been throwing a Thing Returns ( 3" pin, 4x4 pin under ring) and it will eat both of the AI and S&A lunch at the break point in total boards and continuation through the pin deck. Even having a polished cover it has not shown me any over under or squirty motion. It seems to have much better traction than either of the above. I drilled a Energy last week with the same drill pattern as the TR but it turned out to be a dud, one of the last remaining bad coverstocks they had in the earlier runs of producion. Billy at Dyno is sending me a replacement should have it this week,not getting the Energy, he is sending a High Energy instead. I had planed to drill this one 4 x 4-1/2 a drill layout suggested by Jim Ensminger soon as it arrives and I get it ready I can report on it if you are interested?
Ugr, I forgot I also had a AU79, box with a 4 x 4, useed on the same fresh house shot, this ball was in my opinon closer to the AI than the TR in both boards covered and oil handling capabilities, it just was sharper at the break point due to the different layouts. Another great ball by Dynothane.
Edited on 9/19/2005 11:31 AM
Thanks, tekneek (Steve),
I also have the AU79; so this info gives me some interesting tidbits of information and, YES, it does help.
Polish is the only thing that helps me with the S&A as its core makes it roll too early WITH almost ANY DRILLING that I have put on it.
I've been messing around with the AU79's cover too often; got to let it break in again. Might see if I can get "a hold" of a TR.
Bowling: Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, you only have to get close.
Life: Deal with what is.
I was never so surprised with a ball. Now I'm thinking of drilling up the Vendetta Pearl to help fill the void between the TR and the Crisis Pearl, way too much gap. Glad it helped you out. Might get the Pearl drilled up b-4 tonight's league, if so it will be used in game three, the ball return limits my moving left on the approach, generally by the middle of game two I'm climbing on top of it, first step can be hazzardous to ones health especially with a newly replaced left knee......... Steve