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Best Dynothane Ball for Carrydown
« on: November 08, 2005, 06:30:40 AM »
Considering "The One" or "Xcel" from Ebonite.  Also considering the "Vendetta", "Centrifucal Mass", "Vendetta Sniper" or "The Thing Lives" from Dynothane.

Any experiience with any of these carrying the (*^$% ten pin with cary down conditions would be appreciated.



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Re: Best Dynothane Ball for Carrydown
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2005, 05:11:39 PM »
Dave,...I have a spinner so I've done a lot of experimenting, and here's what I have found that works best FOR ME on the conditions I see most.

I gone to using Abralon pads exclusively, 1000-2000-4000,...and no polishes, too me polish gives me a false surface and tends to track-up and wear off. Also polished balls tend to give too many over-under reads.
1000: balls that I want to arc and read the entire lane,..usually balls with pin to pap in the 3-4" range.
2000: this has become my favorite, most of my benchmark balls have this. This surface clears the fronts with ease,..and will still read the dry backs and track without over reacting. I can usually stay with this surface longer, while moving or chasing the oil line/track.
4000: when I need length, have to go deep, OR want to go up the outside this surface is great,..I usually prep to 1000, and then go up with the 4000,..this really shines the surface up nicely,..the good thing about this is the surface doesn't loose it's look like polish.
When I prepare a ball, I do 4 sides with lots of water and keep the pads rinsed out a bunch, top-bottom-left-right, then when I get done with that,..I take a clean terry-cloth and wet buff the surface, to me it kinda sets the surface, it cleans it real good, and gives me the look I want,..but that's just me.  
What works for me may not work for everyone,..but I think that surface plays the biggest part in ball reaction, have to learn to put the right surface on the right ball, that's drilled right, for the right reaction,...simple right.

Jim, I got my pads today... 6 inch circular pads 500, 100, 200, 4000... $3.29 a piece... $23.38 to my door. Kinda pumped up about trying this out... I have 2 or 3 balls that don't match up to me or the shot currently. I want to switch out surfaces so I can feel really good agoing into the Air Force, Armed Forces and Team USA tournaments in Jan. Do you mind if I run a list of 8 balls with the surface and drills by you for recommendations?
Capt Dave Ingraham
2004 All Air Force

"Don't move Dave... the lanes will come to you." - Chris Kidd

Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)


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Re: Best Dynothane Ball for Carrydown
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2005, 11:31:22 PM »
Yeah... ordered afternoon the 21st... arrived late morning 23rd... regular ground!

They apparently ship from Portland, OR... FYI everyone, this is NOT a bowling site... I even noticed little handy tools that could be adapted to the bowler's proshop.

Capt Dave Ingraham
2004 All Air Force

"Don't move Dave... the lanes will come to you." - Chris Kidd

Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)


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Re: Best Dynothane Ball for Carrydown
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2005, 07:27:37 AM »
Results are in:
Seeing how this is the only league I bowl in, and therefore the only condition I really have to conquer for average, I decided to try two balls.  Bought the Vendetta Black Solid and a Centrifucal Mass.  FYI - my pap location is 5 3/4" over, 1/4" up.  Typical ball speed 18.0 - 18.5 mph, Qubica, with decent revs.  Can change hand so axis tilt is variable.
Laid the CM out strong: pin 4" from pap, cap in the power position, between thumb and VAl, also 4" from pap, small balance hole on PAP.  Hoping this strong layout would give me more "pop" when it entered the pocket.
Laid the VBS out with my favorite drilling - 4 X 5, with the pin above and the the right of my ring finger, cg near mid grip.
Off to league...
During warm-ups I felt I was getting a better reaction with the VBS.  Threw it the first two games for 237, 224 (current league average = 220).  Decided to try the CM last game just to see what it would do, and also to test it for a tournament I was going to be competing in over the weekend.  Was rewarded with a 184.  Was not able to get a consistant reaction from the ball, and was not impressed with carry when I did get it to the pocket.
Off to the tournament...
Tournament consists 3 games each at four different houses - 12 total.  Total pinfall (scratch tournament) for the top eight qualify for elimination rounds.
1st 2 games (VBS) 216, 207.   3rd game (CM) 171.  Stayed with the VBS for house #2, ball moved well and carry was decent, missed some easy spares to fail to give myself a chance to qualify.  Just for grins threw the CM in house #3 - 172, 159, 212.  Ok, OK, I get it.  Not the ball for me.  Threw the VBS in the last house, hoping to recoup some of my losses in pots - 257 (front 6, screwed it up) 246 (front 7, REALLY screwed it up) 219.  Went home broke.
Long story short... oops, sorry, I guess it's a little too late for that, love the VBS and expect a lot of good scores from the ball over the rest of the season.  Highly recommend this ball for a lot of different conditions.
Can't recommend the CM.  I'll plug it up try to get something back out of it on the used ball rack.


You're jumping to the wrong conclusions. The CM is a much stronger balla nd needs more oil than the VBS to begin with. Ontop of that you drilled it MUCH stronger. You can't go from a weaker ball (the VBS is weaker, not weak) to a stronger ball after the weaker ball proves to be too strong. Of course the CM will hit weaker than the VBS or hardly hit at all.

Before dumping an expensive investment, try modifying the cover of the CM. Use some of Jim's finer sandpaper; doesn't have to be Abralon or adding a light polish to the  CM, for added length. Even better, sand it to 1000, 1200 grit and then add some polish.


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Re: Best Dynothane Ball for Carrydown
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2005, 11:36:28 AM »
for carrydown I like the Vendetta Sniper Part Pearl
Leading Edge Pro Shop
Radical Bowling Technologies Advisory Staff


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Re: Best Dynothane Ball for Carrydown
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2005, 12:25:40 PM »
Charles - While I appreciate the advice, I have to ask how you can make a statement like I am jumping to the wrong conclusions.  You don't know me, my skill at reading lane conditions or ball reactions, what part of the lane I played, how much oil was on the lane, etc.  However, you drew the wrong conclusion: I never wrote that the Vendetta Black Solid was too strong.  I also already stated that I had drilled the CM stronger, and did this on purpose.
Bottom line; from my experience throwing the CM in three different houses, including synthetic and wood, on three different oil patterns, it qualifies as a POS.  If you love yours, I'm happy for you.  Hopefully the next owner of the one I bought will have more success with it.


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Re: Best Dynothane Ball for Carrydown
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2005, 04:24:27 PM »
Volsfan - Nope, freezing our bottoms off up here in Mich


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Re: Best Dynothane Ball for Carrydown
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2005, 05:19:55 PM »
Charles - While I appreciate the advice, I have to ask how you can make a statement like I am jumping to the wrong conclusions.  You don't know me, my skill at reading lane conditions or ball reactions, what part of the lane I played, how much oil was on the lane, etc.  However, you drew the wrong conclusion: I never wrote that the Vendetta Black Solid was too strong.  I also already stated that I had drilled the CM stronger, and did this on purpose.

You didn't write it. I said it. This has not one blessed thing to do with your abiltiy tro read lanes.
The balls have some huge basic differences. The CM is just a stronger ball, overall, in every aspect than the VBS. period. No IFs, ANDs or BUTs about it.

It has nothing to do with how you drilled the balls.

You're making a huge major assumption: that you can make a weaker ball stronger than a MUCH stronger ball just by drilling it stronger. You can't.


Bottom line; from my experience throwing the CM in three different houses, including synthetic and wood, on three different oil patterns, it qualifies as a POS.  If you love yours, I'm happy for you.  Hopefully the next owner of the one I bought will have more success with it.

It has nothing to do with what I like or dislike If you refuse to accept the facts, I'm sorry. You'll forever be stuck in the mindset you have now and will rarely be able to use many balls to their optimum. Recognize the basic designed-in differences.


Most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway...

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Re: Best Dynothane Ball for Carrydown
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2005, 09:47:00 AM »
so... then, I guess when someone disagrees with you, you simply overstate the obvious to give the appearance that you are more knowledgeable, with your points having nothing to do with the facts?
You are way off base, because someone that puts more turn on the ball will get a COMPLETELY different reaction from someone that throws a back-up ball, regardless of how the ball is drilled.  Until you accept that fact, you will never average over 150.


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Re: Best Dynothane Ball for Carrydown
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2005, 07:08:53 AM »
SE MICH - just north of Detroit.  Lots of tourneys in the Detroit area - will be coming out you way for the state tourney this year.  I believe it is either in G Rapids or Kzoo.