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Author Topic: Best Series Ever w/Vendetta Black  (Read 843 times)


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Best Series Ever w/Vendetta Black
« on: January 18, 2005, 01:22:31 PM »
Actually I only used the VB for the 10th frame of the 2nd game and the entire 3rd game in league tonight. But I had 3 strikes in the 10th of the 2nd game and 9 straight strikes in game 3! Finished with a 673 set. Not bad for a 172 average bowler I think.
     What changed tonight was my release. I have a tendency to come around the ball too much on my release and end up with too much skid, low track, etc. I usually hit the pocket and leave flat tens, 8-10s, etc. The best bowler in our league has a very simple looking stroke and after he releases his palm is up and his arm follows through out to the right. Too much to the right in my opinion but it gets his ball into a very nice roll, hits the pocket consistently and carries.  So I knew I needed more roll in my ball, not skid. So tonight I tried to stay behind the ball more and release up and out at about 1 - 2 o'clock. Bingo! Ball goes long, rolls hard and arcs right into the pocket. I played pretty much straight down the 6-7 board. I had zero splits and only 1 ten pin.
     I used a Freakazoid in the first 2 games but the Vendetta Black, polished with Storm Step 3 just loves to be rolled this way! And to think I almost sold this ball - twice! If this scoring continues I will have to get another one and store it in the closet! Go DynoThane!

       Rod Anderson