I just received my American Bowler Quarterly and flipped to page 41 (the inside back cover). I noticed that if you just purchased a new Dyno-Thane Anomaly or The Thing Returns between Feb. 1st and April 30th you just fill-out the coupon at the bottom of the page and they will send you a free Dyno-Thane Ball Bag!
Also, if you purchased a pair of Tour Ultra ABS Bowling Shoes between the same time frame, just send in the coupon and you'll receive a free Adjust-A-Heel!
I am so excited that I bought my Anomaly last Saturday (Feb. 7th). My Anomaly was well-worth what I spent for it from my local proshop and now I get a free Dyno-Thane ball bag on top of that? SWEET!

Thanks Phil!
*This space is currently available for lease.*Edited on 2/11/2004 10:50 PM