Not sure I can help a lot more beyond the comments (almost a review) in the Thing thread on the DT forum. With my 2" pin-to-CG and 4x4 drilling, it's an extremely even ball on medium oil patterns (tried it again today, 7/18/03) but significantly stronger on medium light patterns. With my hand I thought the box cover would be, should have been good for medium conditions. It's good, but barely.
With your 4" pin (quite long), I think you should put the pin at least at 4", because it doesn't have a lot of flare (RG Diff of .040). Place the Mb wherever you feel comfortable for your game. ALso with the 4" pin you *might* be able to cover more oil than my 2" pin; hard to judge that.
Carrydown with this ball is a function more of your hand and the surface. Again, you possibly might be able to handle more with the flare of that 4" pin; I haven't been able to handle a lot with the box cover, just a little, and I can usually handle moderate carrydown.
I have about 10-15 games on this ball but it's supposed to get stronger with use. So don't make any snap judgements. I'll wait until I get 40+ games on it until I post a review.
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