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Author Topic: Centrifugal Mass how much flare are you getting??  (Read 830 times)


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Centrifugal Mass how much flare are you getting??
« on: January 02, 2006, 04:05:57 AM »
I have 2 drilled differently one is pin above the ring finger and the CAP 1 inch right of the thumb and the other is pin above the ring finger and the CAP 2 3/4 inches right of the thumb in the strong position.

Ball one the ball with the CAP near the thumb flares about 6-7 inches in oil and goes about 3-4 feet longer than the stronger drilled ball. Pap to pin distance are the same at roughly 4 3/4 inches and this ball the CAP would be around a 6 1/2 cap to pap distance. This ball has a nice revving motion and is good for like the drilling sheet states a medium/ heavy shot with some carrydown.

Ball two the ball with the CAP in the strong position i did not think it would make this much difference in ball reaction i thought it would roll alittle earlier and be somewhat better in oil WRONG!!!!!! WRONG!!!!!! WRONG!!!!!

WOW is all i can say i thought they were over advertising the balls oiling handling capabilites, i was very mistaken on this assumption. Let me tell you this ball should called the BEAST FROM HE11, it hooks and hooks never stopping the new coverstocks from Dynothane are just plain strong enough said. I was flaring this ball no kidding here 9-10 inches in oil no bs, i showed my friend George Palumbo the oil flares and he just laughed because it was unreal. If you want a ball that hooks and hooks that still retains energy buy this ball today. I cannot understand why this ball is not selling more on the ballreviews, i have sold 3 balls for my proshop just watching me roll this ball. For the Nationals you will still be able to open up the lane with the CM, buy this ball for any oily condition drill it strong for soup or floods. Drill it like my first ball if you are on a lesser volume pattern, move left and let it fly. I could not believe how well this ball still retains energy and hits so well on a heavier pattern.

I am medium handed so you big guns are going to flare the ball maybe twice for 500 rpm players, the CM is a great ball buy one today.