Just got my CM punched up on Monday night and got to first use in on my Tuesday night league. I'm waiting until I get more time with it to do an official review but here's what I got so far....
My Thing Returns is awesome, but on those nights where there's excessive carrydown or more oil than usual, I just don't score as well. Got the CM to compliment the TR and had it punched up with the pin just below, and out from the ring finger. I'm not familiar with drilling that much, but I believe my driller said he was drilling it with a 55* layout? Not sure.... didn't need a weight hole though.
My average this year is hovering around 193-195 and I had hurt my back on Sunday practice bowling so I was a little hesitant to really try to throw it. When I stayed smooth and hit my marks, this ball had hitting power like nothing else I've thrown. I was able to move my feet 4 boards left, my line 3 boards in and actually throw it out right farther than my TR and it still comes back nicely. You definitely don't want to tug it left or ease up on your speed. Had a few come in high and a couple of brooklyns when I did that. But I ended up going 195-196-235 for a nice little 626 out of the box. I know it's not a great score for alot of you guys, but for me I'm happy since I didn't get any practice time with it before league. I know the soaker needs a bit of a break-in period and when this breaks in it's gonna be a beast. It most definitely needs some oil so if they're dryin' out, it's got to get put away. It's going to compliment my Thing Returns perfectly I think....
Never argue with an
idiot....They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with

Edited on 12/1/2005 7:41 PM