Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: hammermike2000 on December 27, 2005, 01:49:41 PM
Why am I not hearing very much about this ball??
I cannot believe the power and drive this ball gives me, even on a med-light condition (if you move far enough in). The hitting power of this ball is really unmatched. BTW - mass bias in strong = a s**tload of motion!
Mike LeViner
I don't know why... that mine has broken in it's my #1 ball for most patterns.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
I would say yes, the reaction has changed slightly since when I got it (about 10 games ago), but the funny thing is that it has gotten a little stronger. I think that after another 5-10 games it will be completely broken in. I just wish I could find some real heavy oil now to see what it can do.
Mike LeViner
I have a Thing with about a gazillion games on it, surface, never changed, cleaned weekly,..5 x 3 with a pap hole,..that has earned the right to fly First Class with me,..on every trip to Vegas when I bowl the 'Rollers', I'd say it's broke in pretty good. All Dynothanes seem to get better with time, a fine wine,..or violyn,..or BMW. Look around, don't see too many D/Ts for sale or trade...when you build an arsenal with D/T's you have one for a long time...jime
Just got mine and only have 5 games on it and really like the reaction so far. It is my first Dyno-Thane ball and after all that I have read I'm really wondering
how much stronger it will get.
102101? Hmmmm
I have had mine now for a month or so and I love it. It is drilled CAP in Control Positon (below PAP on VAL). Pin is 4 inches from PAP below ring finger. The ball is very strong, but has an unbelievably smooth move to the pocket. I have also noticed the ball breaking in. It seems to get better with age. I have used it on med to flooded conditions with great success. Last night I bowled on lanes that had kids bowling on them all day. I had to put it away in the second game. This ball more than delivers what it claims, I just wish Dynothane published more of the "tech" research that went into the ball on their website. I believe this might be one of the most advanced core/coverstock combos on the market, with no marketing. I guess we should just be happy and keep the secret to ourselves.
The only difference between Genius and Stupidity is Genius has its Limits
Well tonight the ball re-confirmed why it's my #1 ball out of my bag...
...managed to put together a nice 813 series with the ball!
To explain how great it felt would be difficult! I had broken my bowling hand back in Feb. and after the injury I fully made the move down to 15lbs., changed my grip and tweeked my style. Can't put into words how much of a confidense booster that set was for me!! 
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Good shooting goof...
I know that this (along with my havoc) is one of the few pieces I have that I feel will carry from any angle. Amazing ball.
Mike LeViner
This is the results of using physics and geometry and taking ones time in developing a product based purely in scientific facts and testing. This product in my opinion is basically what an asymmetrical Performance should be. Strong and useable for a long period of time.
Edited on 1/4/2006 9:43 AM
This is the results of using physics and geometry and taking ones time in developing a product based purely in scientific facts and testing. This product in my opinion is basically what an asymmetrical Performance should be. Strong and useable for a long period of time.
Edited on 1/4/2006 9:43 AM
sounds like a winner Phil!
What do you mean specifically, "useable for a long period of time" ...a long format, or calender like time 
"A Mayhem and a couple of Hercs.......uhm.....Nice!.." 
Format, it is less sensitive to subtle lane conditions changes as are other Asym balls on the market.
I would hate too see a solid version of the CM this ball is my best hitting oiler, you just keep chasing the oil inside and it will do the work for you. Best ball Phil has ever designed hands down it is what i thought the anomoly was going to be, haha just a little jab at Phil. Really though the cover is strong enough for almost any pattern and because of the blend still clears the heads with ease. I rarely shoot under 190 something when i use this ball, good job my friend PHIL!!!!
Format, it is less sensitive to subtle lane conditions changes as are other Asym balls on the market.
ok, ... in the best / easiest way, can you tell us how that was acheived without having to kill us afterward ?! 
"A Mayhem and a couple of Hercs.......uhm.....Nice!.." 
what is the mass bias strength/spin time on the CM ?
"A Mayhem and a couple of Hercs.......uhm.....Nice!.." 
what is the mass bias strength/spin time on the CM ?
"A Mayhem and a couple of Hercs.......uhm.....Nice!.." 
FORGET IT.............I GOT IT...5.8
"A Mayhem and a couple of Hercs.......uhm.....Nice!.." 
We use geometry not densities and inertia to determine the shape and placement. Other companies use densities (pucks and flip blocks) to create the asymmetrical
We use geometry not densities and inertia to determine the shape and placement. Other companies use densities (pucks and flip blocks) to create the asymmetrical
don't they all have to come into play though ?
(NOT BEING A SMARTA_$$....honest question
"A Mayhem and a couple of Hercs.......uhm.....Nice!.." 
No, an imbalance achieved through the use of densities (pucks and weight block inserts) is not in the true sense an asymmetrical core, it is a biased by density core. I would assume that all the asymmetrical apologist would already know this or have a reason why they are built as such. True asymmetrical is just that, a shape that has no 2 sides the same. It should spin about a centrifugal axis that is not influenced by weight densities just shape. Our CM after drilling will still spin about the C.A.P and as you can see our Z axis value is not as high as the others yet it still holds it's preferred spin axis even after holes have been placed in it.
grrrrrrr, this is getting to complex for my feebbbllle mind. All I know is it works for me. I'll leave the tech stuff to the tech guru's.
Stars and Strikes Pro Shop
Edited on 1/4/2006 3:34 PM
motion, physics, and the E=mc2 WAS NEVER IN MY VOCAB, I can barely pronounce it let alone spell them, or explain em. lol But I have been known to roll a ball, if that counts and on occasions punch holes in em.
Stars and Strikes Pro Shop
I know Phil gives a lot of tech info, but that is truly why Dyno is a superior product to most if not all of his competitors. Not only can they design a ball, but they can back it up with hard facts. It truly is a "whole" new concept, but this one really works.
The only difference between Genius and Stupidity is Genius has its Limits