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Author Topic: charlest----THING?  (Read 4899 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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« on: July 08, 2003, 07:12:07 AM »
Hey, you mentioned awhile back that you were going to drill a Thing....have you yet and if so what did you think? I love the ball. I am considering an Element right now.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: charlest----THING?
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2003, 05:43:45 PM »
Charlest et al,

I have good use for my Apexes and my Warrior on lanes with a good deal of area. However, on trickier conditions like those found on the Super Six tour here in Sweden I have been having problems with consistency in ball reaction. The answer for me has been to go weaker (symmetrical balls) and straighter. However, I have observed more technical players than myself having great success with asymnetrical designs in the same tournaments. That's why I say that style and skill also come into play.

In the last three years I have accumulated more bowling balls than I did in 15 years of bowling prior to this. I do have a lot to learn in this area.





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Re: charlest----THING?
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2003, 12:13:19 AM »

the drilling technique you used in your reflex doesn't quite "make" that core symmetrical.

Well, Someone told me that; I am not quite that familiar with the gyroscopic physics involved. (Don't think I want to be.)

i find it does tend to allow the core to rev later and more progressively (a more symmetrical look), though.  where is (or was) the pin located in relation to axis and val?

Pin, CG & MB were all inline. Pin was next to ring finger, CG was 2" away, (just to the right of grip center and slight up and to the side) and MB wound up under the thumb hole. It was about a 4" x 4.5" drilling & I'd guess about a 90 degree angle. My PAP is 5" over and 0" up/down.
(FYI The ball is no longer in my possession.)

another twist....... a symmetrical core usually isn't after drilling, so we are almost always dealing with some form of asymmetry...[/quote]

(I hope I phrase my next statement correctly, as it reflects my current understanding.)
I've also heard that with symmetric cores with pin to CG distance greater than 3", we are dealing with a virtual Mass Bias, if only of a small amount.

Thanks again.
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Re: charlest----THING?
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2003, 12:11:43 PM »
Thing or not, this is an interesting and fun discussion.

Trying to decide which layout to choose for my Thing, I have been reading the drilling intstructions on and asking questions in this forum. Became somewhat confused upon comparing DT's drilling intstructions and the posts made here by good people like Charlest. Dyno-Thane's instructions are based on Pin and MB. CG is only used for drawing the line to pinpoint the MB 6 3/4" from the pin. Charlest and the others that have posted here seem to have stated their layouts based on Pin and CG position. Correct? If yes, is this significant? Are these different layout methods?





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Re: charlest----THING?
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2003, 12:46:51 PM »
Saw King,

Correct, the Thing does not have an MB marking. However, the drill instructions are based on pin position and the MB which is located 6 3/4" from the pin along a line which you are supposed to draw through the CG. As I understand it this far, the MB is derived in the same way on balls with symmetrical cores. This page offers some guidance:





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Re: charlest----THING?
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2003, 02:06:31 PM »
I thought this was a THING discussion?
Saw King
Your friendly youth bowler

He asked; I replied.
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