
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: DynoLess Daddy on April 11, 2005, 06:29:40 AM

Title: Crisis Pearl as a dry lane and Spare ball
Post by: DynoLess Daddy on April 11, 2005, 06:29:40 AM
Posting this question to get a answer for my survey

How many use the Crisis Pearl?

How many use the Crisis Pearl as a dry lane ball and combo it as their go to Spare ball?

I have been finding that is is much easier to carry this ball drilled pin under ring finger (5 x 6) with 3/8 neg and 1/4 thumb, works really well as a 10, 6 and all other spare ball. But lets me know quick when the lanes are breaking down.

My Dt likes to bash Shawn B.

note the truth>>>>>(Dt..1st .... Shawn 2nd)

Title: Re: Crisis Pearl as a dry lane and Spare ball
Post by: Goof1073 on April 11, 2005, 03:03:35 PM
The Crisis Pearl is a great True Dry Lane ball for me as long as there isn't any carrydown.  The ball gets through dry heads very nicely!

As a spare ball any ball will work provided you throw it dead straight or super hard...otherwise a plastic ball is a must.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Title: Re: Crisis Pearl as a dry lane and Spare ball
Post by: DynoLess Daddy on April 11, 2005, 03:35:09 PM

My Crisis Pearl has replaced my spare ball..My eagle had its last leg months ago and happy stopped smiling!

For those of you with hand control that carry a spareball.  The Crisis Pearl may be the way to go!
My Dt likes to bash Shawn B.

note the truth>>>>>(Dt..1st .... Shawn 2nd)

Title: Re: Crisis Pearl as a dry lane and Spare ball
Post by: AllAirForceTwice on April 11, 2005, 04:43:00 PM
IMHO... If you can't get the speed up or take some hand out of this ball you could be in trouble... It is still fairly strong for a reactive... Just way more controllable due to the lack of core torque...
Capt Dave Ingraham
2004 All Air Force

Ex-Dynothane Military Staffer (the War on Terror is affecting my bowling...)

"Don't move... the lanes will come to you." - Chris Kidd