Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: Elite_Digger on January 21, 2004, 06:42:46 AM
Looking to get back into a ball that is more skid snap with a more angular turn...something that will conserve more energy towards the end. I had an Ebonite Grey Wolf for years, not the strongest ball in the world, but I did well with a pearlized resin. Decided I might want to try more of an arcing style so I had a Voodoo and a Scream/R drilled up pretty similar to each other. They seem to compliment each other pretty nicely with the Voodoo covering med/heavy and the Smash covering the med/light end. Both are drilled with the pin just below the ring finger..(don't really know what to call the drill pattern)...and both have a pretty even arc. Well, after having these for a season and a half, I'm thinking I might like to get back into something with more length to it, and stronger on the back end. My buddy just bought a CrunchTime and really likes it. Our span is similar so I've thrown it a couple times and it seems like a decent ball. He gets alot more hand into it than I do so his drilling is a little weak for me, but I like the way the ball gets down the lane. Anyway, I've been reading good things about the Thing Returns also. Anyone have any opinions about these 2...maybe if they're very similar or what any major differences are? I'm looking at these 2 but am open to other suggestions....
My speed is average, my revs are average and I would consider myself reasonably accurate.....
Never argue with an idiot....They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!
To the top (I'd like to see this answered by people who has seen or used both balls.)
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"No good deed goes unpunished."
Didn't I deal with this one...?
Everyone I know who has tried the Crunch Time has liked it - fairly clean and long with a very strong backend. (More like the Voodoo -- an all time favorite of mine.) It seems to fit a wide variety of styles and conditions.
Almost everyone has liked the Thing Returns (my personal choice). It is also clean through the heads and midlane. It is also good -- for a pearl and better than the Crunchtime -- through carrydown. Although I find it to be quite a strong pearl, some folks have not found it as strong as they would like. I also like the longevity of the coverstock.
I don't think you could go wrong with either the Crunch Time or the Thing Returns. Personally, I like the Thing Returns because it seems slightly stronger and more predictable to my hand.
I wonder, however, if I understand your problem. For my hand, both the Voodoo and the ScreamR have more "backend" than does the Crunchtime or the Thing Returns. The Voodoo is positively flippy and the ScreamR incredibly angular. (Or is it the SmashR, which is more even). The Voodoo is also, kept in box and polished, very long. I could prove it to you on the lanes (it is about 3 feet longer than the old Hex and stronger). Frankly, with the possible exceptions of Storm's X-Factor (kept polished) and Dynothane's Vendetta pearl, I don't know of anything that is both substantially longer and substantially stronger on the backend than what you have been throwing.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Edited on 1/28/2004 6:22 PM
Phillip, yeah, you replied when I posted this topic in the Track forums along with the Throttle/R. I've pretty much weeded out that one now and it's down to these 2. I posted it here to hopefully get answers from peeps more familiar with Dynothane....As far as the 2 balls I have, I'm not much into drilling, but I was told they're drilled 3 3/8x 3 3/8 (pin just below my ring finger in both balls). My Voodoo is decently strong, but I don't know if I'd call it angular. Both Balls seem to react similarly to me with more of an arc. When I bought the scream/r I did so with the purpose of getting something to compliment the Voodoo and handle the med-med/dry a little better. However the Scream/R is a little stronger than I guessed and is only about 1-2 boards less hook than the Voodoo. I've since polished up the Scream/R and now it's really touchy for me. I read in some of these forums not to polish a Voodoo, so I've never really tried that.....
Anyway, the past few weeks, I've been swinging well, but not getting the carry that I'd like out of my balls. I just want something a little longer, that stores it's energy better and then packs a whallop at the back end. I don't get a ton of hand into the ball, probably middle of the pack, so I need a ball to do some of the lateral work for me. Probably going to have to drill it strong... All the reviews I've read seem to indicate that the Thing Returns might fit the bill. I also like the fact that you stated that this ball MAY handle carrydown a little better than the crunchtime....
Never argue with an idiot....They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!
ED, the Crunchtime won't do the "lateral" work for you, while for my hand, the Thing Returns does. Remember, I said for my hand. But if you get the Thing Returns, consider a label leverage drilling. It may be that what is killing your carry is a lack of drive at the pins. If keep the pin at max flare and move the CG closer to your grip centerline, you should be able to play a little straighter, get plenty of backend and have more of the energy stored for the pin deck. Just a thought.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."