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Author Topic: Delays, Delays, - Why so long???  (Read 978 times)


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Delays, Delays, - Why so long???
« on: October 11, 2004, 04:12:31 AM »
Dear Phil,

I have noticed as have many in my area that most distributors are always backordered for Dyno-equip. I am glad that your market share must have increased for this to happen, but why so often? Is there any chance you guys will be pouring for yourself in the future as market share shifts your way or getting more manufacturing time from Storm? I have had to shift some sales away from some DT because lead times are backordered 2-4 weeks. I don't personally care as I would wait but many customers do not like to wait more than 7 days.  Thanks for your time on this board and keep producing great stuff.




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Re: Delays, Delays, - Why so long???
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2004, 02:22:48 PM »
I understand especially when looking at new products and launches. My issue actually was related to the Vendetta Line. We were looking to order a few VPP and Blacks and have come up backordered. Not that at times this isn't normal but in ordering over the last year both in equipment and in gear almost everytime we have been delayed. We have looked outside the normal list of distribs from the area but the answer seems pretty universal. I still believe the way DT runs its organization is much smarter than some of the "larger" or parent companies but it does become frustrating promoting a company where supply becomes an issue. I will disagree with some of your final statements though. Although most balls have been successful we usually don't ask the distrib to pipe-up the upcoming ball just incase its a flop or doesn't fit the parameters of the shots we utilize.(I know, where's the confidence!!)A  percentage of customers walking out the door when you do not have what they want when they want only hurts an average shop all the more. Again not a shot just an assessment.