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Author Topic: Dexter etc TO Dynothane ABS  (Read 1172 times)


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Dexter etc TO Dynothane ABS
« on: April 13, 2004, 01:16:09 AM »
Who here has had dexters,linds,etc shoes in the past and changed over to ABS?
Why did you change over?
Did you like your decision to change over?

What makes your ABS better then dexter/linds/etc.?

Im just trying to be nice around here.



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Re: Dexter etc TO Dynothane ABS
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2004, 04:32:46 PM »
Hello, I wore dexters for years, from the original SST1's all the way up to the SST5's. I then decided to change to ABS because I had talked to several people and they were really talking up how comfortable they were. I purchased a pair of the tour ultras and I have to say as far as comfort they beat my SST5's hands down. I am sure the LX6's are cofortable also but I don't care for solid black shoes. I always have had good luck with dexters and would reccomend them to anyone but from a comfort stand point the ABS are hard to beat IMO anyway.

Good luck, cooksey
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Re: Dexter etc TO Dynothane ABS
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2004, 05:06:43 PM »
I wore a pair of Dexter SST1's for 8 years, great comfort/durability.

I wore a pair of Dexter SST5's for 2.5 years, good comfort/much less durable than my previous SSTs.  Inside lining ripped out, gold coloring flaked off (maroon/gold) model.

I had seen other odd durability issues with SST5's and the first run of SST6's.  So, I bought my Tour Ultras thinking they would be more durable and just as comfy as the Dexters.  After 1.5 years, they look like new and are amazingly comfortable (like a pair of slippers).  I love 'em.


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Re: Dexter etc TO Dynothane ABS
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2004, 12:08:17 AM »
Nizzo, I have already chnged to ABS and I did it because the only way to know if they are really good is wear them and verify the conditions for these shoes, I really glade and satisfy with those gems. The design, the materials and confort are better than Dexter, at least for me. So I decided to be wearing with ABS shoes for long time.
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