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Author Topic: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?  (Read 3954 times)


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Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« on: October 23, 2006, 07:23:04 AM »
With other Dynothane balls there was a so called break-in period, does the Threshold have one as well?  I'm asking this question because I've had one for two weeks and I am not impressed with the over all reaction of this ball.  

I thought the first week it was burning up so I took it to 2000 w/polish, the next week I used it again and still did not have a sharp move at all.  

The ball looks like it's going to make a move and it just doesn't.



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Re: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2006, 03:25:53 PM »
2000 no polish will wake this ball up, out of the way too much cover with 2k and no polish whole new ball.


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Re: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2006, 03:29:51 PM »
boom town i am having the same issue with this ball I have had it for about two weeks now i have thrown it a few times oob it was decent but I have only thrown about two games total on it and now it is not moving and  i made a surface adjustment to mine to i took it to 1000 abralon and nothing.  It goes even longer now and makes no turn.  I am very disappointed.  This is the first dynothane ball I have tried and probably the last, the only reason I bought this ball is for the simple fact of all the great reviews on how much it moved, and i am not a no handed wonder either.  My brunswick wizard is hooking circles around this ball.  So if there is somone out there that can give some advice it would be much appreciated.  Mine is drilled with the suggested strong drilling for heavy oil according to the sheet they sent.
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Re: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2006, 03:51:56 PM »
RL- We are in the same boat, this is the first D/T ball I bought as well, quite disappointed with it so far.  How is yours drilled? Mine is laid out as follows

     0 0
      cg   x-hole 1/2 in above PAP

I believe this layout is pretty mild, however when I threw it right after it was drilled, it moved pretty good.  Just doesn't react like I thought.  Looks like a BW for me


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Re: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2006, 04:12:14 PM »
I'd have to agree with Jeremy here, pin looks to be negitive, I've found that most assy core balls move better with cap or Mb further right as 2" or more right of thumb for a RH, under the cap mine was a left turn nightmare, but it seems to take higher rev rates to get them to do so. Pins 5" plus seem to really tame this monster down, unless they are under the ring.
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Re: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2006, 04:21:34 PM »
RevLefty (& Boomtown),

I bought one when I though I'd need a major oiler. I drilled mine a bit stronger than Boomtown's. Pin at 4", MB at 4.5", pin 2.5" above midline.
I cannot use this monster - it's too early and too much of turn at the backend.


YOu didn't indicate how yours is drilled.
Could your house shot be changing and your surface changes be not in sync with oilchanges???

The stock surface is 1000 grit (abralon or sandpaper).  Unless your house oil pattern is drenched in oil, with your rev rate, I'd be very surprised if you could use this ball. This ball is stronger than a Wizard. I also have a stock surface, 800 grit, Nemesis. While the Nemesis is early, the Threshold is earlier still and makes much more of an aggressive turn at the breakpoint.

I'd suggest some polish over that 1000 grit or if that doesn't work, then 1500/2000 grit PLUS polish.

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"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2006, 04:59:48 PM »
After seeing this thing in action, I would say the same thing that I told everybody that had an Anomaly, Super Carbide Bomb ect.. that couldn't make it hook. WAIT until you have OIL!  I heard so many times "My other ball hooks more, what a dud!"  Umm no, your other ball hooks more b/c this ball was getting friction in your backswing and was out of energy at 30ft.  This is the risk every company takes when they advertise a heavy oiler as a large hooking ball.  There will be somebody on the wrong shot complaining that it won't work.  IF you can't get it to go at 2000 take it to 4000 abralon, its the "factory" finish on the newest balls from Ebonite, that way ppl see a bigger move down the lane and like it more.  Try that, if it won't work, sell it to me.


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Re: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2006, 08:56:51 PM »
sorry at home now, had to make another user ID (long story).  My Threshold is not quite laid out as weak as the picture shows.  The pin is above bridge right in the midline.  Cg is kicked out 2 in, and the cap is to the right of my thumb hole 2 1/2 in.  Pin to PAP is 5 1/2 in.

5.5" pin to PAP is farily long, but the surface still rules and although you'll get some length and less flare than usual, it's still a strong ball, especially with your rev rate.

However, depending on how high your ball speed actually is, I'm surprised someone did not recommend a shorter pin-PAP.

Next time try 2000 grit and not polish. If it's too early, try 4000 grit. If it still goes too long, try 1200 or 1000 grit. Last resort re-drill with pin-PAP of around 4.5"; you can still keep the pin above the bridge area.
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Re: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2006, 10:06:04 PM »
Ok here we go drilling:  pin is 3 and 3/8s from my pap, cg is staked as well as the cap is stacked under the two with balance hole  in the midplane on my val something like this.


I am not a retard like most I didnt pull this ball out on a med or dry shot I ran into a 45 foot flat pattern last week with dirty backends and this ball wouldnt even wrinkle.  I think I drilled this ball to strong and it is craping in my back swing if it is as strong as you all say it is this can be the only explination.

There is a epic saga about to unfold in the upcoming season, last year was an epic battle,but i foresee greatness on the horizon!!!


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Re: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2006, 11:28:35 PM »
Rev I agree... I drilled a Storm Passion like yours... It looks like a "max" flare drill to me.

That pattern is for the "revless". I had to take that ball up to 2000 to get it to flip at all.

My Threshold is drilled 4 in pin-to-pap, 2 in above midline, CAP in the power position... It loves heavy volumes or longer patterns. WILL NOT work for me on a THS shot under 38 feet... It just dies...
Capt Dave Ingraham
2004/2006 All Air Force

Thanks Phil and Billy at Dynothane for your sponsorship of the Air Force Team!
Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)


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Re: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2006, 06:53:21 AM »
Ok here we go drilling:  pin is 3 and 3/8s from my pap, cg is staked as well as the cap is stacked under the two with balance hole  in the midplane on my val something like this.


I am not a retard like most I didnt pull this ball out on a med or dry shot I ran into a 45 foot flat pattern last week with dirty backends and this ball wouldnt even wrinkle.  I think I drilled this ball to strong and it is craping in my back swing if it is as strong as you all say it is this can be the only explination.
There is a epic saga about to unfold in the upcoming season, last year was an epic battle,but i foresee greatness on the horizon!!!

We know you're not, Joe. However, who is there amongst us who has not been fooled by a ball doing that - burning up early. Yes, for your revs, I'd think that a 4" or 4.5" pin would be better. I put mine about about 3" above the midline, in addition to a 4" pin-PAP. Try less surface, in steps; if not,then redrill. I think he ball is worth a re-drill, even if you don't normally do that.
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Re: Does the Threshold have a break-in period?
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2006, 08:44:30 AM »
Well, I found something out last night.  My Threshold is great for playing outside on med lanes.  I was telling our driller about my problems with the ball, he said he wanted to see what the ball looked like.  I threw it, it barely wrinkled, I turned around to see him laugh.  I took it back to OOB condition and threw it our last game and all of the sudden it was making the move I wanted.  It now goes long and flips hard on a med condition.  Maybe it's the way the ball is drilled, but it's definately not a heavy oiler for me.