Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: qstick777 on December 06, 2006, 05:41:13 AM
Does Dynothane provide drill sheets? I didn't receive one with my 357 Magnum, and I don't see anything on the website.
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Yes, (http://"") they do. For everything besides the Threshold and CM, they're "standard" symmetric cores that can be drilled like any other.
Edited on 12/6/2006 3:15 PM
Edited on 12/6/2006 3:17 PM
I've always received one in the box with any new D/T ball.
****Kids in the back seat cause accidents; accidents in the back seat cause kids.****
Thanks guys!
I checked the site, but I must've missed that under the Pro Shop link. I figured it was a basic drilling, but thought it was weird that nothing was in the box.
The only other DT ball I had was one that I got used and ended up selling to legend4life95 - still regretting that decision!
Edit: Shelley, any drilling suggestions for the 357? From your profile, it sounds like we have a similar style.
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Edited on 12/6/2006 4:22 PM
Edit: Shelley, any drilling suggestions for the 357? From your profile, it sounds like we have a similar style.
If I got one, I'd drill it pin over ring, even close to the bridge and the CG kicked right an inch or so. For me it'd be roughly 5x4 to 5x3.5. Maybe even 5.5xX. I could use something with more length for lighter oil than my Energy, that's the only real spot in my bag that's not served adequately. Stronger than my Thing Lives hasn't been necessary. I've even got an empty hole in the bag that I'm dyin' to fill up since I bought a 4-ball roller off of Charles