win a ball from

Author Topic: Drilled another THING today.  (Read 1146 times)


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Drilled another THING today.
« on: October 08, 2003, 01:39:24 AM »
And boy it rolls nice!  Billy Yinger over at the Dyno-thane headquarters recommended the layout.  He said to place the pin 2" from my axis.  And put the CG near the grip.

Took a 4.5" pin THING, basically a 2x5 layout... and WOW the ball rolls great!  VERY arcy ball.  Mild in the midlane, slightly stronger as it approaches the backends, and slightly more stronger when it hits the pindeck.  Continuous and incredibly forgiving.  It seems to want dry backends.  But I tell you what, all I had to do is get it close to my mark and it hit the pocket.  The lanes were rather wet today, so I left a few flat 10s.  I was, however, able to play right of where I normally play.  My left calf felt odd not leaning against the ball return.  hehe

Remember, I have a pretty high rev rate so a controlled reaction is a good thing for me.  I can't wait to see this on a sport pattern.  That is all... please drive through.

Tony Melendez