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Author Topic: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!  (Read 6293 times)

Ric Clint

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Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« on: February 23, 2005, 02:57:02 PM »
I just have to say, my Energy is a turd.

I know that people will get on here and probably BLAST me and say I'm a moron. But let me say that my THING LIVES is one the best balls I've thrown in a long while... Many 700's with this ball and also an honor score as well to it's credit! Best Medium/Heavy Oil ball in the game! The THING LIVES is the ball that got me turned on to DYNO THANE. And I thought if all the SOAKER's rolled as great as this one, that I would have a new favorite ball company.

I hope and pray that the ENERGY I got is a BLEM, or a DEFECT... because this ball doesn't cover much ground in the backend at all.

My Energy is drilled with the PIN above ring and CG slightly out from the grip... basically a 4 3/4" x 4".

I tried it on 2 different shots... one was a broken down shot and the other was a fresh shot and the Energy didn't match up with neither one. No recovery at all.

Usually surface changes help... but not with this ball.

It comes out of the box kind of dullish actually. So I polished it up before I even threw it because I figured it would be too early for me (and I knew if I didn't like it, that I could just scuff it back up).

With a polished coverstock, the ball just rolled and rolled with no recovery so I thought maybe the ball was not creating enough friction and was going to long... so then I scuffed it down a little (close to box finish) and it still was rather weak.

My Thing Lives is drilled PIN above ring (4 3/4" x 4")... and my Storm Recharge is drilled PIN above ring (4 3/4" x 5 1/4").

The Thing Lives is sanded to 600 and the Recharge is glossed up pretty good.

My RECHARGE had a strong backend on both shots as did my Thing Lives. The Thing Lives being earlier with still a big backend... and the Recharge being longer and cleaner with a strong backend.

I let 2 friend's throw this ball tonight after I seen the weak reaction I was getting... and both of them agreed that something was not right with this ENERGY.

I wanted to make a post about this in this forum to see if any of the Dyno Thane Guru's, or people "in the know", had an answer.

I'm truley disapointed in this ball.

I hope and pray that the ENERGY I got is a BLEM, or a DEFECT.



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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2005, 11:17:39 AM »
Thanks to the good people at Dynothane, my ball is being replaced, although I wasn't the only one at my local bowl to have this problem. Dynothane are doing all they can to get this isolated problem sorted.


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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2005, 11:56:51 AM »
For the people that have had their's replaced...what did you have to do with your old ones?
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2005, 12:55:43 PM »
We ask that they be returned. Wouldn't want any bad one in the field. Also we want to prevent the temptation of anyone to say they have a bad one and really do not.


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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2005, 12:59:22 PM »
By the way we haven't seen a second post from Ric clint after he called the energy a turd in his post. I was wondering if he was treated properly and if so than maybe a post to let everyone know how we treated him would be nice. I would hate to think that those that bash before we can fix a problem would not comment on how customer service handle the problem quickly and with the customers best satisfaction in mind.

Edited on 3/3/2005 1:56 PM


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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2005, 01:03:52 PM »
Thanks for the info Phil!  I believe that my shop's owner is talking to Billy about an Energy or Two that were not well received by their owners.

Still have high hopes for this ball though once any issues have been delt with.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2005, 04:56:23 PM »
Just waiting for UPS to pick my old one up and drop off my new one, should hopefully have a better update in the next couple of days.
Robert Phillips - Milan, Ohio
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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2005, 06:54:03 AM »
Well he drilled a second Energy for one of our customers (a stroker lefty) and does this one reacts MUCH better for him!  Ball makes a much more pronounced move off of the corner and just seams to read the patter better than his first one.  Shot a 730 something with it last night and seems very happy with the new one.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA

Ric Clint

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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2005, 02:49:52 AM »
By the way we haven't seen a second post from Ric clint after he called the energy a turd in his post. I was wondering if he was treated properly and if so than maybe a post to let everyone know how we treated him would be nice. I would hate to think that those that bash before we can fix a problem would not comment on how customer service handle the problem quickly and with the customers best satisfaction in mind.


I didn't mean any offense to you about your ball or creation! I probably shouldn't have called the Energy a "turd". lol. Plus, in my original post, I said that "my" Energy was a turd and that I let 2 of my friend's throw this ball that I have after I seen the weak reaction I was getting... and both of them agreed that something was not right with "this" ENERGY that I had received. I wasn't talking about all of the Energy's produced at the Dyno Thane factory. I hope you understand that, and I hope you're not upset with my comment. At that time I didn't know about other people having problems with there ENERGY's... I was just speaking of "my" ENERGY. And I posted my thoughts on this site to see if anybody else had this problem with their Energy.

The reason I haven't made a post since all this happened is because I was waiting on my NEW Energy to get here and then I was gonna throw the ball and then report back here on it. So it was a "timing" type thing. But I was gonna post soon!

Yes, I was treated properly by Billy! Me and Billy talked on the phone for several minutes and we handled everything like true adults!

It's just after paying $145.00 for a ball that is suppose to hook, and then throwing the ball and it not hooking at all... I was a tad upset.

I've thrown some of the other SOAKER's and you've done a great job with them... EXPECIALLY the Thing Lives. It's a one of a kind!

I've heard several other stories and it seems that there have been several people that happened to get a BAD batch of ENERGY's.

Dyno Thane is currently replacing my Energy and it shall be here soon...

So stay tuned for a new post by me giving my thoughts on the NEW ball that I get!


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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2005, 03:00:37 PM »
We've accounted for and gotten back all the problem balls and replaced them.


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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2005, 09:31:25 PM »
my energy is polished and just sits there and rolls... only time it worked good was out of box and had to play tight... if i got it out it sat there with no recovery as ric clint sed.... wondering wuts up with that and wut can be done
Big "B" Is Where It's At
Mason Sherman
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Ric Clint

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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2005, 11:37:32 PM »
Just looking through and noticed a lot of the posts have been deleted.

Damage control?

Were defective balls shipped to customers or not? Or were they only shipped to staffers as was posted?

Rick Clint seems very happy with his replacment ball. Was the first one a defect? I'm sure someone at Dyno-Thane has had a chance to examine the returned ball by now.

Any one care to clarify?

I'm not a staffer but I still got a "bad" one. My 1st ENERGY was indeed a defect.


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Re: Drilled the Energy today... WOW!
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2005, 10:43:49 AM »
just dont know how to throw it .. thats funny... anyways... the ball will be good for fried backends... or ripping it up the boards.... thought it would cover more lane than it does thats all
Big "B" Is Where It's At
Mason Sherman
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