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Author Topic: Drilling for Element AU79  (Read 948 times)


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Drilling for Element AU79
« on: October 19, 2004, 11:33:27 PM »
For a down and in player throwing at the second arrow on medium oil, 14 - 15 mph ball speed, what would be a good drilling for my newly ordered DT Element AU79?  I'm fairly new to bowling so I would really appreciate your suggestions.


Edited on 10/20/2004 7:26 AM



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Re: Drilling for Element AU79
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2004, 08:57:00 AM »
Nice choice, one of my favorites. With out too much info on you I'll give ya few ideas. The Au79 with it's weight block and cover stock is designed to go longer down the lane, and make it's move to the pocket late, storing energy. You say you are a down and in player with medium speed, which means to me that you are at least rolling the ball,I think, and not trying to overpower the lanes. With out getting too technical, and not seeing you bowl, my recommendation would be a ball set up that would give a medium arcing reaction, without a jumping backend ball. A 4" x 4" layout with a hole (if necessary in the pap) or a 4" x 4 1/2" which probably won't need a hole. Have your driller try and keep the cg at least on or above your grip midline. This ball by design will give you length, and with the pin and cg in a medium position, a nice recovery to the pocket. As always check with your driller, if possible let him see you bowl, and show him what you're using now, and what you are looking for that may be different..enjoy. jime


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Re: Drilling for Element AU79
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2004, 01:08:11 AM »

Thank you a lot for your help.  you are correct in saying that I'm rolling the ball. I'm still learing how to throw a hook ball consistently.  So, for now rolling the ball over the second arrow is working fairly well.  In the future I hope to be able to learn how to throw a hook to the point where I can open up the lanes more. I will take your recommendations to the driller when the new ball get here.  Have a good weekend!!!


Edited on 10/24/2004 6:20 AM