"We will purchase resins from the Storm Resin supplier and use our own additives as we have done when production was at Storm."
That's a relief... I didn't recall reading this anywhere earlier and clears up all my concerns. I have been to the Storm factory to visit some of my ABT and league buddies who work there and on the tour I was told that Storm, D/T and R-G shared a base resin... I was not sure if the M80 formulation uses the same base resin or not... That's why I was asked.
"What does M80 have to do with it? It's a Columbia cover, not a DT cover. DT's always had their own covers, even when they were made by Storm."
Apparently everything Shelley, I probably should not have equated change in manufacturing site with base resin use though...
Thanks for the clarification Mr C.
Capt Dave Ingraham
2004/2006 All Air Force
Thanks Phil and Billy for your sponsorship of the Air Force Team!

Edited on 5/17/2006 10:58 PM