personally i think the reason was simple.
dyno does not break any doors down sales wise, and they were probably not getting the attn: they wanted from storm. in our shop roto and "storm" sell well, dyno is a tough sell, great ball line, just a tough sell, kinda like
amf balls.
also maybe the real reason could be their shoes, they can rival dexter, circle shoes are good, but at the lower end price point
now with both circle and dyno's shoes, columbia can become a major player in the shoe market.
also glad to hear phil and company are back with columbia, always liked those
guys when they were track!!!!!!
what is next columbia finally putting degree in 8 oz. bottles?

or maybe they just never noticed all that track polish and cleaners in 8 oz bottles. people are not all stupid, some will spend $12.95 for an 8 oz. bottle as opposed to $7.95 for a 4 oz. bottle.