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Author Topic: Dynorooz Woes  (Read 2894 times)


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Dynorooz Woes
« on: August 28, 2006, 04:01:48 PM »
Had my dynorooz for about a year now, and I have to say that I have had nothing but problems with them.  The soles and heels wear down extremely fast, and none of there combinations are tacky enough for me.  The approaches in my area have been very slippery this past year, and the shoes are giving me nothing but fits.  I have even put a dexter sole on my slide shoe to try and help, but really to no avail.  I must say they are very comfortable, but it does not out weigh the poor performance I am getting from them.  It will be back to Dexters for me very soon.
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Re: Dynorooz Woes
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2006, 12:09:24 AM »
im sorry they cant all be winners i guess
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Re: Dynorooz Woes
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2006, 08:44:07 AM »
Since you have already put a dexter sole on them how does going back to dexter fix the problem.
What soles and heel combos have you tried? Which heel wore out too fast? In order for us to help we need more info.
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Re: Dynorooz Woes
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2006, 08:56:09 AM »
New Guy is 100% correct.  Why not contact Dynothane or (Newguy) and discuss the problems your having?  This happens all the time people buy something, don't get the exact match up they were looking for and they give up on what is or could be a great product. Companies are always out to make things better, but they can not improve with out the feedback from the buyers.  My suggestion to you would be to contact Dynothane, and talk with Billy, and see what you all can come up with.  I have seen some CRAZY slippery approaches the past couple years, and a quick swap of a sole or heel, and I was rockin again.  If your trying the dexter soles already, what good is it going to do to swap to dexter shoes?  I guess thats must my opinion.  If you need the number to dynothane, just ask, and we will get you all hooked up.

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Re: Dynorooz Woes
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2006, 09:03:22 AM »
Have to agree with newguy. Their Customer service is GREAT.

Had a problem with the laces ( they kept breaking)  One phone call and a new pair sent out me.

Since you have already put a dexter sole on them how does going back to dexter fix the problem.
What soles and heel combos have you tried? Which heel wore out too fast? In order for us to help we need more info.
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Re: Dynorooz Woes
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2006, 09:39:54 AM »
Man, I wish I had your problem Traumatize.  I can't get my Dynos to slide at all.  With any insert.  I did recieve (courtesy of the Bowlers slide sock folks) a sock that I'll try tonight, and I took an old Dexters insert and glued felt to it to try if the sock doesnt work.  But having too much slide would, imo, be heaven.
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Re: Dynorooz Woes
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2006, 10:10:27 AM »
have you tried the felt sole, we call it the Peggy Flemming...if you know what i mean.


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Re: Dynorooz Woes
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2006, 10:23:29 AM »
The only sole I can even think about using is the orange colored one, and it is not tacky enough.  I would be ice skating with any of the other soles.  I also use the wedge heel, and it does not act as a brake at all for me.  I never had a problem with Dexter shoes.  The heels are always tacky enough, and the brown sole worked awesome for me.  I put a red dexter sole on the dynorooz because that is all I had access too.  IMO, The white ring around the sole of the Dynorooz is the dumbest idea I have ever seen.  I catch that part on the ball of my slide foot, and that is the main reason why I can't ever stop sliding.  I'm not too sure why that was ever put on the shoe in the first place.  I am willing to try anything with these at this point.  I am planning on getting rid of them anyways, so I will try your ideas.
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Re: Dynorooz Woes
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2006, 10:48:55 AM »
My honest opinion is the ABS (dynorooz) are far superior to my past Dexter sst5 or 6's. To me the ring on the sole and the peg on the heel offer fantastic stability where you never have to worry about movement coming from either one. But I will have to say that the heels wore down extremely quick, so to fix the problem(im sure dynothane will love this) I made a jig at work, and took my old cleated heels from my dexters and punched the centers out to fit my ABS's, easy fix and have worked perfectly for the last 3 years. Except I wore out my toe cap and for some reason that always seem to be on back order. I direct everyone that I bowl with that is considering new shoes to go with dynorooz, I feel they are the best in the business.


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Re: Dynorooz Woes
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2006, 10:54:54 AM »
Except I wore out my toe cap and for some reason that always seem to be on back order.

I agree with everything you said. Best made shoes in my opinion, with the exception of the Schuffler show which i think looks like a turd. I also wore through my toe cap fast, and waited 4 months for a back ordered one. I ended up just getting a new pair of Dynorooz because i couldnt wait any longer, and then i wore through this cap as well, but i replaced it (finally got in toe caps) with the kevlar version which is much more lasting than the Gray rubber one.
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