
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: PJM300 on January 08, 2006, 02:03:33 AM

Title: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: PJM300 on January 08, 2006, 02:03:33 AM
Title: Re: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: Goof1073 on January 08, 2006, 12:50:30 PM
Surprised to see Buddies listing info on the ball already...

...I'm still waiting on my test staff ball, but it should be here very soon!

From the information that I've gotten on the ball it sounds like a winner...looks great too!

Oh, the Zr40 stands for Zirconium if you haven't looked it up yet.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Title: Re: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: Maelstrom on January 08, 2006, 04:02:22 PM
I first saw this ball on ABS's site about a week ago. Very cool looking ball...
I am a dragon. I eat things whole and alive. I live by a life of sin. I have an attitude worse than you can imagine. And I don't give a f*ck what you think...
Title: Re: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: J_Mac on January 08, 2006, 06:22:37 PM
If you watch the video it's not silver at all.  Unless the silver is the US version.
American beer is like making love in a canoe. It's f*cking close to water. - Monty Python

If God had intended us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs. - David Daye
Title: Re: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: Aud300 on January 08, 2006, 09:14:54 PM
Sad but True!
Home of your San Antonio Spurs.
Don Jonietz Pro Shop, San Antonio, TX!
P.b.a. Southwest Region # 21946
Audric Bent
Title: Re: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: Traumatize on January 08, 2006, 09:23:48 PM
J Mac, can you post the link to the video please
*Erie Community College bowling*

Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.

AMF Thruway Lanes Pro Shop employee, and I have no problem saying that I'm Officially a Ball Junkie.
Title: Re: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: tekneek on January 08, 2006, 10:16:09 PM
Me too Goof, hoping mine appears this week, like before Wed night league, always good to roll something so new most house bowlers haven't seen or heard about yet. get to see them drool and slobber, unfortunatly its generally on my equipment.
Stars and Strikes Pro Shop
Title: Re: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: Aud300 on January 09, 2006, 12:28:47 AM
The New Element looks real skd - snappy in the video.
Sad but True!
Home of your San Antonio Spurs.
Don Jonietz Pro Shop, San Antonio, TX!
P.b.a. Southwest Region # 21946
Audric Bent
Title: Re: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: Goof1073 on January 09, 2006, 12:44:49 PM
This ball should a less snappy off of the wet / dry transition as compared to the gold.  At least that's what I've been told...
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA
Title: Re: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: Strapper_Squared on January 09, 2006, 01:09:39 PM
I would love to see that guy try and throw either of those balls in my home house...  both would be in the left ditch...  haha, I can't even get a plastic ball to get that much length!

-Strapper Squared

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Title: Re: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: Pin_Daddy on January 10, 2006, 06:46:26 PM
I'm in for one for my Birthday hopefully...looks to be pretty impressive seeing as it was drilled so tame.

I was shooting for a CM, but the Zr40 is prettier, and from the video covers more boards with a pretty tame drill.  We'll see as we get more info...
Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.
Title: Re: Dynothane Element ZR40 Silver
Post by: JK300JP on January 12, 2006, 03:56:53 PM