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Author Topic: Dynothane heels  (Read 1087 times)


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Dynothane heels
« on: January 26, 2005, 12:43:23 AM »
Hey guys,

I posted a similar question on the misc. board. I am having a problem with sticking lately. I am a heel slider and using the ABS Sport Ultras. I don't have any other heel and sole combinations other than what comes with it. I am using the heel/sole combination that gives the most slide. But I am wearing down the front edge of the heel and it is causing a black mark on the it half way between the front edge and the post that the heel fits over. If this gets to bad then I start sticking. I can wire brush it off, but it takes about 4-5 frames with using a very small amount of ez slide to get back to normal. I went to replaceable shoes because I wore out the heel on my last pair of shoes even though they look brand new.

My question is, how can I correct this situation? I am looking into buying the adjustable heel from ABS to use the felt in the area were mine wears down. But I was also wondering how can I correct my slide to be more on the sole? Please help me. I have to line up to finish at least a foot from the foul line to make sure I have an emergency stop area just in case.


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That which does not kill us strengthens us.

So do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Re: Dynothane heels
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2005, 08:49:37 AM »
the adjustable heel is the greatest invention since crunchy peanut-butter,..get one and you won't have to change your game,...saves on the knees too,..


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Re: Dynothane heels
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2005, 10:31:54 AM »
The one thing that I have to knock on the Dyno shoes is the Heel Compund.
Its like an eraser. I wore down my heel in less than 100 games to the point that I could not use it any more.

I do like My Ultras but I would like to see a harder heel. To fix my problem I hacked out the center of a Dexter ribbed heal and stick it on, I have no problems now...



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Re: Dynothane heels
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2005, 12:01:19 PM »
Get the adjust-a-heel and you will never go back to another type. It is the best shoe upgrade made. Give it a try.
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Re: Dynothane heels
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2005, 07:03:26 AM »
Stop raising up at the line or be more balanced. Work more on learning the proper approach and follow through. You can do or buy what ever you need to get you through. They are a band-aid for the real problem. Video tape your footwork and approach and get with a qualified coach who can help, it usually doesn't take long and tends to help your game in more areas than just your slide.


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Re: Dynothane heels
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2005, 08:12:25 AM »
Thanks everyone,

I do have a problem with my left knee, so getting more knee bend is a problem. It's kind of a catch 22, if I start sticking my knee hurts and won't bend as far. But your saying that I need to bend my knees more to keep from sticking. So, I will try the adjustable heel to keep a more consistent slide and work on a deeper knee bend and then adjust the heel as needed to get me to stop. Does this sound about right? I have been working at getting lower to the line but my knee can only take so much right now. I am trying to get to the gym to work my legs some more to help strengthen it but the time is the problem right now.

Thanks again. I will try ordering them today so I can try it out next week.

That which does not kill us strengthens us.

So do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
That which does not kill us strengthens us.

So do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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