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Author Topic: Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!  (Read 2995 times)


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Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!
« on: April 12, 2006, 11:58:10 PM »
>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<


Vendetta Magnum 44 $99.95:

Vendetta Sniper $107.95:

Element ZR40 $135.95:

All prices *INCLUDE* shipping via ground service to lower 48 states.
Alaska/Hawaii/Canada/The World extra. If shipped to
Ohio you must pay the 6.25% sales tax.

Drilling can be done for $25.00.   Grips $5.00 per set.   Thumb Insert
(Vinyl or Urethane) $5.00.     Switch Grip / Adjustable Thumb also available.

* No trades.
* Paypal (you pay the Paypal fees) (our ID is
* CC (Visa/MC/Discover)
* Money Order/Cashiers Check

Come visit us for all your bowling needs:

The lowest prices and best service... ALL the time!!



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Re: Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2006, 03:09:24 PM »
I clicked over to your web site and saw the Vendetta .44 mag for $84.95.
I see you posted the price here for $99.95 Free Shipping.
I guess the shipping is free but you need $15 to throw it on the truck.
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD


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Re: Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2006, 03:41:17 PM »
Well, he did say "free shipping" in the subject line. But the real question is, why does this matter?? $15 is very comparable if not cheaper than most online shops. I don't understand people's need to come on here and post reply's with negative comments toward people attempting to make an honest living and give you a good deal... Jeez, if you're not interested, just move on.
If I could hit my target every time, I`d be pretty damn good!
(aka - Aaron)


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Re: Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2006, 06:46:24 PM »
I was commenting on the man's arithmetic not his prices.If it was an "honest" post he should have said great prices(which I happen to agree with)and not use free shipping in the title(which it is not or the price would be $84.95)
This is known as bait and switch in the retail world and is not considered an honest way to advertise but is effective on a segment of society who sees nothing wrong in it.
By all means feel free to do business with the man and tell your friends.

President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD


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Re: Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2006, 09:21:22 AM »
If it was an "honest" post he should have said great prices(which I happen to agree with)and not use free shipping in the title(which it is not or the price would be $84.95)
This is known as bait and switch in the retail world and is not considered an honest way to advertise but is effective on a segment of society who sees nothing wrong in it.
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD

This is NOT known as bait and switch.

Would you be happier for everyone else (since it's obvious you're not buying a ball from him) if he said ONLY "shipping is included in this price??

Look, adding a set shipping price makes it easier on everyone involved, for both the buyer and for him. The buyer doesn't have to ask him, "how much to ship it to this zip code" and he doesn't have to go look it up and then reply and then wait for the guy to make a decision. PLUS, in case you hadn't noticed, shipping 16 lb across 3 states costs at least $15, no less shipping across the country. If he sells 20-30 balls, it may eventually even out for him; it may not and he may sell the majority far away, relatively speaking and it could eat into his profit margin.

For whatever reason, you see something wrong with this approach. Guess what? I haven't seen one negative posted here on on Joe's dealings so far. That's unusual given how many people have bought from him so far. Something, usually shipping, goes wrong and he has to make up for what UPS or FEDEX did wrong. That can be costly.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 4/16/2006 9:20 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2006, 10:02:33 AM »
I don't agree with the use of "free" in this case, either.  Because it isn't free shipping.  The price "includes" shipping, which is very different.

Symantics, I know.  But when I had my online shop I added $12-15 to the price of each ball and charged $0 for shipping.  I advertised "free shipping" because there were no shipping charges during the checkout process.  

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Re: Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2006, 10:58:31 AM »
I was not real sure if this case qualified as a true bait and switch ad so I will concede that point and simply say it was misleading.

I never said Joe was not honest my problem was with the word free.I'm sure he will sell you the Vendetta for $99.95 free shipping from this site or for $84.95 + shipping from his web site.

As far as who I buy from that is my choice as well as everyone elses and I recommend to you as well as I did Volley to do business with him.

For myself,I probably will deal with a merchant like Buddies who offers the Magnum for $102.50 and keeps the ball at $102.50 when free shipping is offered.

Do you see my point?
Joe --> good
Joe's prices --> good
Joe's way of heading a post --> not so good
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD


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Re: Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2006, 12:51:45 PM »
This post is not about Joe but about Joe's use of the term free shipping.
Please stay on topic.
Doofus? you crush me man.
President and CEO Visionite Stormy Buzzwick LTD


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Re: Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2006, 02:10:03 PM »
The bottom line, if you don't agree with ASB's tactics, you're right as an American is to seek your business elsewhere.  In doing so, you're more than likely to spend more money than if you purchase from ASB.  Symantics, schmantics.  It's the amount that you spend that really counts.  It appears that there are still people in this world that are easily swayed by catch phrases and advertising rather than common sense.  These are the same people that actually believe that their 1974 Pinto with 273,876 miles and a bad tranny are worth $3000 MINIMUM as a trade in allowance at your local used car dealership.  Both buyers fail to look at the bottom line as a basis for purchases.
House Hack.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  And, according to my therapist, that's not so bad.

If nothing is what the situation mandates, I'm the man for the job.

Edited on 4/16/2006 2:09 PM

Long Roller

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Re: Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2006, 04:09:36 PM »
I think ASB is great and have bought a couple balls from him already, but at this price for arguably, one of the best Dynothane balls, you can't go wrong.  I just bought a 44 magnum, which is my first Dynothane I've ever thrown.  This is a great opportunity to give another company a try.
Shane Soule

Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Re: Dynothane Sale! Free Shipping!
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2006, 07:50:41 AM »
I don't agree with the use of "free" in this case, either.  Because it isn't free shipping.  The price "includes" shipping, which is very different.

Symantics, I know.  But when I had my online shop I added $12-15 to the price of each ball and charged $0 for shipping.  I advertised "free shipping" because there were no shipping charges during the checkout process.

I have to agree with Tony on this one.  Either the shipping is free or it is included.  Choose one, not both.

By the way, doesn't this belong over in the "Wanted/For Sale/Trades" section?
Yes, there is enough oil and no, the ball is not rolling-out.
Is that your answer to everything in life?

Read my profile and you'll see why I can honestly say this.
People that lack common sense get on my nerves.

Edited on 4/17/2006 8:30 AM