I have an element that I clean with regular ball cleaner, but i don't do it every time I use the ball ( i know its a bad thing) but i haven't seen any decline in performance. What i have seen is maybe a slightly stronger backend reaction, I think the oil almost works like a polish on the ball and thats why they seem to get stronger, you just see a more pronounced move. I was almost dissapointed with the reaction when i got the ball cause it was sooo smooth and it wasn't what i thought it was going to be, I bought it used supposedly at about 50 games, i moved the thumb and have about 200 more on it, I don't think they die! Also have a VP that is going strong after roughly 150 games I don't see that slowing down any either.. i think Dyno has one heck of a cover program, I love the balls they have all the way around, great work guys!