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Author Topic: Element and Soaker  (Read 1983 times)


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Element and Soaker
« on: July 22, 2003, 11:46:12 PM »
Well, the soaker cover has been around for awhile, and I am sure some of you have an Element starting to get up there in games.  I am looking for some stories on how well the cover has been holding up in the long-run, and what the diagnosis on this ball is when it gets up there in games.  

I am looking to pick one up and hopefully keep it around for awhile.  I am tired of rotating through oil balls every few months.  Any experiences are appreciated.



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Re: Element and Soaker
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2003, 10:47:21 AM »
anyone else have any report on the element or the soaker?


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Re: Element and Soaker
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2003, 01:08:32 PM »
I really hope D/T comes out and addresses Ebonite's claims that the real reason balls die is due to plasticizer migration.

Ebonite's theory really pokes a hole in the whole Soaker cover.


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Re: Element and Soaker
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2003, 02:27:32 PM »
I really hope D/T comes out and addresses Ebonite's claims that the real reason balls die is due to plasticizer migration.

Ebonite's theory really pokes a hole in the whole Soaker cover.


If I were you, I'd seek a solution in the practical application of each. Try an ELement and see how long it stays strong. Try and equivalent EBonite (V2 sanded?), wait for oil or plasticizer migration to kill it, then try to resurrect it. and then compare the two.

I wouldn't depend on an advertisement or a theory: seek the pratical.

Also DOc's Elixir:
Does it prevent the absoprtion of Oil? - probably.
Does it also prevent the "migration outwards of plasticizer"? - possibly.

The Element is a good ball no matter the Soaker cover stock or not; so is the V2 sanded. Doc's Elixir seems to work. 10-in-the-pit has 500 games on a dull Response. That night be a new record for a recent dull particle ball. (I mean, besides Brunswick's which are almost indestructible.)

"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Element and Soaker
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2003, 03:27:16 PM »

I guess it's more a matter of hoping that the ball manufacturers will try to get on the same page.

The sooner they get to the bottom of this issue, the sooner they can implement their findings into their equipment.

I understand they are all means to an end & all that matters is does the ball die or doesn't it. But, should we have to pay for things such as hook again if there is technology out there that avoids dead balls in the first place.


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Re: Element and Soaker
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2003, 07:17:59 PM »

I guess it's more a matter of hoping that the ball manufacturers will try to get on the same page.

The sooner they get to the bottom of this issue, the sooner they can implement their findings into their equipment.

I understand they are all means to an end & all that matters is does the ball die or doesn't it. But, should we have to pay for things such as hook again if there is technology out there that avoids dead balls in the first place.


I was tempted to make a joke about your first sentence; then I read your last paragraph. Ok, no jokes.

Do not expect competitors to make life easy for consumers,no matter what they are selling. While some will be truthful (Phil Cardinale is an example, I am fairly certain. who knows what others motives are besides to get us to buy as many of their products as possible. (I am not saying that any of Ebonite's representatives are knowingly not truthful.) The accountants and the executives are the ones who have the final say-so in what a corporation does and its marketing and customer relations reflects the bosses' attitudes and opinions.

Bottom line is don't hold your breath waiting for them to agree. It may sound pessimistic but it's really just experience and pragmatism speaking.
"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."