Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: Da_Lefty on December 23, 2003, 12:49:38 AM
For all you DynoThane guys out there. I am looking to get the Element and Vandetta Pearl this Christmas and was wondering how you guys like these 2? I am looking to use the Element on medium to heavy oil, and the Vandetta Pearl on drier oil. How well do these 2 par up on the lane conditions, i am trying to use for them? Any info i would really appreicate it?
Thanks a bunch,
If you want to be the best. You have to beat the best!!!
I made a small comment in another DT post, entitled "Praise for the Soaker Coverstock". You can see in there what I like about my Element.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
Thanks for the input. Also how is your Element drilled? How well does the Soaker coverstock hold up?
If you want to be the best. You have to beat the best!!!
Do you ever find the Element to be real lane specific? Also what is the surface on your Element right now?
If you want to be the best. You have to beat the best!!!
Do you ever find the Element to be real lane specific?
not so far. It seems to be fairly generic.
Also what is the surface on your Element right now?
It comes 800 grit matte/smooth/dull (no sanding lines). I re-freshed it to 800-1000 with a grey nylon pad. haven't touched it since then.
(This is all in my post.)
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
I personally like this combination a great deal. After a number of experiments, I tend to keep the Vendetta polished and drilled to arc, while I keep the Element at around 800. Charlest can speak to the drill patterns I tend to use. I think both should be drilled for substantial flare and length. I have a review of the Element and if you would like me to explain my view of the Vendetta, I can -- merely let it be known that used as a straight and arc ball, the Vendetta is surprisingly strong at the pins and very controllable. It also does EXACTLY what it is told to do.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Mr. Marlowe writes:
... the Vendetta is surprisingly strong at the pins and very controllable. It also does EXACTLY what it is told to do.
I find more and more that this seems to be the secret of Phil Cardinale's design principles and their practical application: his balls do exactly what the bowler "tells" them to do, no more and, certainly, no less AND they hit.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
Do you think a Vendatta pearl could be used for dry lane? If drilled up weak, and polished pretty high, or would it just be still to aggressive? I just ordered one with a 3-4 inch pin, and top weight is 3-3 1/2. Any info i would really appreicate?
Thanks a bunch,
If you want to be the best. You have to beat the best!!!
Do you think a Vendatta pearl could be used for dry lane? If drilled up weak, and polished pretty high, or would it just be still to aggressive? I just ordered one with a 3-4 inch pin, and top weight is 3-3 1/2. Any info i would really appreicate?
Thanks a bunch,
If you want to be the best. You have to beat the best!!!
From my personal point of view, this is a judgement call because there are too many factors invovled: (I don't mean if you answer these questions that I will be able to decide for you. I mean more, these are the factors and you have to determine if and how you, the ball, and the conditions will allow you to use the ball successfully.)
- what exactly do you mean by dry; there's dry-ish, and there's bone dry desert.
- your ball speed may be high enough and your rev rate may be low enough to allow you to use the VPearl on real dry.
- The mildest drillings are pin in track and pin on PAP; they may allow you to use it on dry. But do you want to do that to this ball. Probably not.
Some people can't use the Barrage, a significantly weaker ball, on TRUE dry lanes. My feeling is the Vendetta pearl is just too strong a ball for true dry.
(Note my use of the word "TRUE". Some people's dry is other people's medium-light oil.)
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."