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Author Topic: Energy mini-review..UPDATED  (Read 3716 times)


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Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« on: January 24, 2005, 10:29:21 AM »
Drilled up this Ultra-Violet beauty tonight, a little different than I had first expected. I was going to go with a strongish drill, but I have balls already drilled for that,, after watching Steve Jaros throw a couple Energys at the PBA Dallas stop on Wed and Thur, I decided that with a ball that rolls and revs this hard I'd like to try for a ball that will let me play more direct, and up the boards, against the dry line. I drilled the ball 1 1/2" x 4 1/2. This put the pin on line between my pap and the ring finger, and the cg on the midline below the ring finger, x holes. The box surface comes a little dullish, so I hit it with a 800 grit polish lightly on the spinner. Out to the lanes I go,...and there's no lanes. There is a sea of high schoolers across the house 6 to 8 on a pair. The pretty lady at the counter says they'll be off in a few minutes, but I'll only have about a half an hour to practice,...whatever, and I get a pair..after about 5-6 practice shots I find out that the oil pattern is "no pattern",..after the kids being out there for about 2 hours, and just before the lanes get ran for league is what I'm on. Oh well, what the hell. I move right and decide to go up the lane with a little point shot around 9-10. The ball takes off smooth as silk, starts to rev up and never stops,..glides into a gentle arc right into the pocket and rips the rack...I stood at the foul line and just stared at where the pins used to be as the pinsetter re-set, Went to the other lane, did the same thing and again same, how easy is this. I bowled 2 games, 268 and 259...on a terrible "pattern" I had about 3 boards to play going what I call "up and at 'em",...hit 9 and get the light hit or a shaker, 10 board was flush city,..and 11 was a trip 4 or the crusher ten in the pit,...I hated to quit,...I have a real good feeling about what I saw with the roll and hit with this ball. I have another that I'll go ahead a drill for a stronger look,..but I can't wait for league tomorrow night nor this weekend in Oklahoma City for a SASBA tournament....this ball just made the trip,..more later,..jime

Edited on 2/16/2005 4:00 PM


the prince

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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2005, 06:15:05 PM »
I have to second Jim's enthusiasm for this ball ... used it last night on the house shot and was able to start inside the oil line, swing it out to the dry, and watch it come back strong on the back end.  Or, if I didn't make it beyone the oil line, the ball still had enough "energy" to turn the corner and hit the pocket.  My problem this season has been too much over under - my pulls end up leaving a bucket or a 2-8-10.  This ball solves that problem .... the ball flares quite a bit and hits the pins very hard.

Comparing to other DT balls, this is far stronger in the back end than the AU79 in that it never quits .... just keeps moving left.  Probably covers almost as many boards as my Thing Lives, but without the distinct change of direction.

Once I got properly lined up in the 6th frame of game one, hit the pocket every frame except one (a light 4-8), leaving only a few ten pins and one very, very solid 7 after the first 10 in game two.

Used it on PBA pattern D last week at it was not usable in box condition, just hooked too much when it hit the dry.  For me, probably not a good choice on a tricky lane condition due to all the flare.

Ball is drilled with the pin over the ring finger, the CG on the midline and kicked 1 1/2 inches right, with a weight hole on the PAP (my usual drilling).

DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2005, 10:33:54 PM »
I too have to agree with Jim! The ebst thing for me was the control the ball gave through the turn. It actually reminds me of a beefed up Vendetta Black. Smooth rolling,very clean down the lane and strong hard recovery!!
My Dt likes to bash Shawn B.

note the truth>>>>>(Dt..1st .... Shawn 2nd)


the prince

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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2005, 05:49:19 AM »
Do either of you think this ball can be longer than the AU79.I know you both said it is stronger but can it go longer with just a different drilling than my AU79 or should i just drill it the same and just polish it, my 79 now was left in box condition and has about 60 games on it.I appreciate all of the insight you guys all provide , thanks

I guess you could do that by polishing the ENERGY up, but if you want a ball that is longer than the AU79, why not just get a Pearl Vendetta?


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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2005, 01:31:09 PM »
Since ballreviews won't put the new ENERGY in the new reviews column,..I have to resort to using the DynoThane site for writting my reviews,..oh well,..

Drilled up my second "wonder-ball" and got about 5-6 games of practice on it over the weekend, After trying to contact the D/T Research and Development Engineering Department,(good-luck),..and then realizing He (otherguy) was at the Super-Bowl Hi-Roller "working", I decided to put my years of knowledge and experience to use,..and layout this ball myself. Scary huh,..but after about ten minutes of contemplation, and using a trusted theory, K.I.S.S., I went with one of my favorites,...4 1/2 x 4,...the pin was 2 1/4, so to get things where I wanted them I had to drill the ring finger right smack in the pin,..which is no big deal, and the cg just above the midline. I then put a 3" deep hole 5/8"dia three inches below my pap on the VAL,..this will get the s/w back to about 3/8oz+, and increase flare. Okeedokee, now this beauty comes outta-da box 600gt wet sanded/polish but mine looked like it missed the polish line somewhere. Kinda dullish looking to me, BUT....I always like to throw'em out of the box first before I run to the spinner and grab the shiny stuff. I'm figuring this puppy will hook at my feet,..but to my suprise it gets down the lane just fine.
Tues night I decided to give it a chance to break into the starting line-up, and if things went well maybe a chance at "first bag". This is a pretty typical little house shot, except for a few things, 1. there's mega oil in the middle, 2. the carry down shows up in practice, 3. the track to the right drys up quick because everyone plays in the same place. Synthetics, with about 35-36' and the backs are usually fresh, least for a little while. Ok here we go,...the first 24 shots are all in the jar, with back to back 257s,...alrighty then. But I know it's coming as I keep moving my feet left to avoid the track, and the over/under that I see every week,....but with this ball I never saw it. The ball continued to show the same reaction all night, was amazing,..this is the first ball that I've been able to throw and it not duck-hook off the track as the lanes start to break down. I could keep the ball to the right, it would swing out, and arc back, and never miss a beat....I kept thinking this ain't right. I actually could miss right,..into the dry and the ball didn't jerk. AND still retain enough pop to complete it's assigned mission with out missing a beat...WOW. With this reaction I don't have to worry about the carry down because I can get out in front of it,..and make the ball angle to the pocket off the dry track,..amazing. The last game was a 221,..with couple of good shots that just didn't carry,..but all-in-all I was very surprised at the performace of this ball. The way that I could continue to swing the ball wide, and it not over-react is wonderful,...and still recover with POP. Thursday night is another house with a different shot,..and if this ball continues to perform as well as it did,..I think a starting positon is in it's future. jim
ps: the problem is who do I bench...?


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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2005, 09:28:03 AM »
Guess again!!!


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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2005, 09:35:56 AM »
I guess you could do that by polishing the ENERGY up, but if you want a ball that is longer than the AU79, why not just get a Pearl Vendetta?

Or a Crisis Pearl
Kill the back row (or maybe this should read "make your spares, dummy")


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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2005, 10:34:29 AM »
Last night with the ball first rev'd,..247-237-257. LOVE IT.


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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2005, 10:51:50 AM »
We've drilled out a few of these little gems thus far.  Lookin' good from what I've seen of our customers throwing it.  

Can't wait to get healed up and onto the lanes with mine!!!
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA

B Pirnie

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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2005, 02:54:50 PM »
Sponsors don't sell Lane Masters equipment but they are listed.
My Guess:
  Ballreviews mod doesn't like left handed owners

DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2005, 10:30:24 PM »
just remember the versatility of this ball is fantastic!!
My Dt likes to bash Shawn B.

note the truth>>>>>(Dt..1st .... Shawn 2nd)



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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2005, 09:26:28 AM »
My Guess:
  Ballreviews mod doesn't like left handed owners

hahahahaha, I think you're onto something there, B!
Cogito ergo bowl

the prince

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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2005, 05:42:41 PM »
UPDATE - used this ball today in a regional qualifier, bowled on pattern E .... started with the Pearl Vendetta, and after game 3 switched to the Energy to combat the carrydown.  I missed a spot by 50 pins, but +9 for eight games for me, on a wood surface, is pretty good.  Too many designs when I missed the pocket, if I left one more 2-10 combo I was going to shoot myself.

So maybe my original comment about the ball not being useful on PBA patterns was premature, it was not useful on FRESH but worked well on the carrydown.

Ric Clint

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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2005, 06:27:18 PM »
it was not useful on FRESH but worked well on the carrydown.

Is that because the backend is so strong?


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Re: Energy mini-review..UPDATED
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2005, 07:25:55 PM »
it was not useful on FRESH but worked well on the carrydown.

Is that because the backend is so strong?

Nope. Probably because it's a Soaker coverstock, just slightly stronger than regular resin.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."