bench mark ball depends on your type of game. For me and it's a tough call, my first ball out is my Black Vendetta, this is my best ball to read the lanes and usually start out on a fresh shot for me. To the left of that for more agression are my Anomaly-Thing-Ven Pearl Particle, the right for inside and drier conditions are my Ven Black/Red-Thing Returns-Crisis,...drilling and ball surface play a big part of where I line up each ball in that list. The management team on the top floor of the big Dynothane Headquarters building doesn't like for us guys to tell bowlers that YES you could do a complete arsenal from the Vendetta line, so I won't tell ya that,...I have told several of my bowling buddies that I could do an arsenal from just ONE Vendetta, 4 Blacks with different layouts, and stair-step the surfaces, but I would never let that out to all the "shirts" at Dynothane...jim