
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: The Ratpack on March 11, 2004, 02:20:08 AM

Title: Help with drilling please?
Post by: The Ratpack on March 11, 2004, 02:20:08 AM

I recently bought a Thing Returns and am very pleased with it,the drilling on it is Pin just to the right and below ring cg in grip centre.I now want to get a Thing and wondered what would be the best way to drill it,I'd like to get it to go quite long with a arcing move to the pocket,would a similar drill do this.Thanks.
Title: Re: Help with drilling please?
Post by: docs67 on March 11, 2004, 11:12:24 PM
Now I am not an expert on drilling, however, I just got the Thing and Thing Returns for my son a month ago - he bowls on his High School bowling team. Well Bowled on the team - the season is over now.  Anyway, his Thing has a 2-2.5 inch pin and the pro at Junior's Pro Shop in Norwalk drilled it with pin under ring finger.  When the lane conditions are suited for The Thing, house shot - medium oil, his ball goes long and makes a move to the pocket like a guided missile.  You should consult your local pro shop as to where you should have your particular ball drilled, i.e., pin placement, CG and RG. He or she should know all about this.  Have him/her watch you throw a few with your Thing Returns and then get the ball drilled accordingly.......

Take care and good bowling.....
Dave C.
Nothing hits like a  Hammer !!!
Title: Re: Help with drilling please?
Post by: Jeffrevs on March 12, 2004, 07:23:50 AM

According to Phil, and the Dyno gang, the Thing and the Returns are perfect complements to eachother....I'd drill it the same way....start with the Thing, then when it starts to break down....the TR will fit perfectly!

More D/T heads will join in I'm sure!
Better....much better!
Title: Re: Help with drilling please?
Post by: jimensminger on March 12, 2004, 07:44:58 AM
The easiest way to go would be drill them both the same and let the ball surfaces seperate their performance. However, the TR by nature should be longer, and the Thing should show you a little more aggression with the same drills. To get your Thing longer, the drill I use is pin over the middle of the bridge, and the cg under the ring, maybe a shot of polish but not too much. Remember the easiest way to adjust length is with surface. je
Title: Re: Help with drilling please?
Post by: The Ratpack on March 12, 2004, 02:22:48 PM

Thanks for the replies,I was thinking of drilling the two balls the same but its nice to get confirmation from others,anyone else care to chip in?