
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: cooksey on June 07, 2005, 01:46:26 PM

Title: HI Energy vs Original Element
Post by: cooksey on June 07, 2005, 01:46:26 PM
Hello all, I can't seem to find an original element so I was wandering if anyone has thrown both of these and how do they compare to each other.

Thanks, cooksey
" Focus the next shot is critical"


Edited on 6/7/2005 9:37 PM
Title: Re: HI Energy vs Original Element
Post by: hcskater on June 08, 2005, 10:11:30 PM
hey i have an original element and a energy and im about to pick up a high energy so i will compare the two for you and let you know the difference.
Title: Re: HI Energy vs Original Element
Post by: cooksey on June 09, 2005, 06:10:09 AM
Hey thanks let me know what you think.

" Focus the next shot is critical"

Title: Re: HI Energy vs Original Element
Post by: hcskater on June 27, 2005, 11:42:47 PM
Finally i tested the HE and the Element out and the main difference that i could see between the two is that the HE has move of a midlane strong arc compared to the element which has a later breaking point(about 5-10 feet) but still with the strong arc. My element is drilled stacked and the HE is drilled pin out to the right of ring finger and cg kicked out a tiny bit. I hope this helps.