
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: The Ratpack on September 20, 2005, 08:32:01 AM

Title: High Energy ???
Post by: The Ratpack on September 20, 2005, 08:32:01 AM

I'm debating buying a High Energy as my next ball but need a few answers,I already have a Thing and an au79 both box finish ,polished, drilled slightly different and want to keep them as they are, what I'm looking for is a ball that I can use when the lanes are a bit wetter with some carrydown/ poor backends.Would the H/E work and what drill would give me reasonable length with a strong B/end.
I bowl 15/17mph medium revs with about 45deg axis.

thanks for any help

btw the reason for the Thing/au79 being similar is one seems to work well on wood the other on synthetics ??? maybe its just me
Title: Re: High Energy ???
Post by: AllAirForceTwice on September 20, 2005, 06:10:22 PM
Capt Dave Ingraham
2004 All Air Force

Dynothane Military Staff

"Don't move... the lanes will come to you." - Chris Kidd

Title: Re: High Energy ???
Post by: legend4life95 on September 20, 2005, 06:24:50 PM
I did'nt care for the HE very much. I could'nt get it to do much on medium-heavy long patterens with or without carrydown. The Thing Lives is about the best ball D/T has made yet for heavy oil. Mine moves good even with carrydown. The Anomaly also works well on heavier patterns, but you need to play with the cover to find a reaction you like. Alot of people were not patient with this ball and gave it a bad rep quick. You may have better luck with the HE than me, but it just did'nt fit my game I guess. I have been happy with every other D/T ball i've tried yet though. Just my 2cent!

****Kids in the back seat cause accidents; accidents in the back seat cause kids.****
Title: Re: High Energy ???
Post by: hcskater on September 20, 2005, 07:17:57 PM
Just my 2 cents as well... The HE also didnt do that much for me either. I wouldnt recommend the ball for carrydown espically. I recently picked up a pure energy (particle soaker) and i like the reaction of that ball better than the HE. But like i said just my opinion... hope it helps.

Title: Re: High Energy ???
Post by: jimensminger on September 21, 2005, 08:06:44 AM
The new Pure Energy would be my choice,..this is a great oil ball.