Well, I felt that it would be good to list all of my equipment so that people could get the whole picture. All of my primary balls are DT, seeing as how the Blade Particle is my heavy, heavy ball and the XXXL is a spare ball. I guess if newguy has a problem because there are other balls listed, I can re-post and only list the DT stuff. I don't take him to be that sensitive about the matter. I'm sure he realizes that people do use other manufacturers. Anyhow, I no longer have the orginal Element, and I've updated my profile to reflect that. The balls listed above are what I've got. I do agree, however, with the idea that I may be a little under-equipped for light. I think that the TR, with my style and speed, will work on most of the lighter shots that I face, although I realize that it will move quite a bit if I play it that way. However, considering that the Au79 should keep me pretty equipped for most mediums, maybe I should ditch the Thing and pick up something like a Barrage. Any thoughts? I'm still not sure how the Diesel Particle Pearl fits in. It seems to shine on tighter shots when the heads are going but there is some juice down the lane. Plus, I shot 765 with it last year in its first full league set, so I don't really feel like unloading that one just yet. Anyhow, let me know any other opinions you have. Thanks for the input thus far!
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?