
Equipment Boards => Dyno-Thane => Topic started by: Belgarion on September 11, 2003, 07:55:54 AM

Title: How does the Element take to polish?
Post by: Belgarion on September 11, 2003, 07:55:54 AM
Hey guys.  I have an element drilled pin under and right of fingers cg stacked below 2-3" pin. Weight hole even and to the left of the cg (mabe a bit lower).

It currently is dull.  I cannot seem to get a consistant read out of it.  Way to over/under.  When it is right, man does it hit, but those times are few and far between.  I want to polish it and hope for a bit more consistan roll.(?)

Anyone want to suggest a surface they like on this ball, or maybe a level of polish to goto?  

Using it on a 40' house shot with med/med heavy oil 7-7 with lighter loads outside.  any help is, as always, appreciated.  Thanks

Title: Re: How does the Element take to polish?
Post by: charlest on September 12, 2003, 08:25:26 AM

Could it be that you are either using this on too much oil
not playing far enough to the outside of the oil line
you have not yet "cracked" the surface of the ball?
This cover needs a few games on it, according to many people here, to "become its true self", so to speak.

This ball is intended for medium heavy oil. If it is truly over/under for you, I have to believe that polishing will make it more so. A slight dulling of the cover might be better in reducing over/under. A SLIGHT touch with either a gren (600 grit) or grey (1000 grit) Scotch Brite pad might go a long way toward this goal.

Remember this cover is also a combination of pearl and solid, just like the Thing.

"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
Title: Re: How does the Element take to polish?
Post by: stringer on September 12, 2003, 09:50:04 AM
I agree with what charlest said.  This ball needs dry boards somewhere to make the turn.  Try the Green scotchbrite pad, that should help.  My favorite surface is polish over 600 grit sanding.  I hit it with 600 grit wet dry paper, 4 ways, then polish with 1000 grit, 1500, 2000.  The ball hits much harder, and
revs easily.  But like charlest said it will probably be more squirly to misses inside your breakpoint, or an occasional weak release.
Title: Re: How does the Element take to polish?
Post by: Phillip Marlowe on September 12, 2003, 11:29:17 AM
For me, the Element gives a better read inside the oil line than in to out.  Your drill is about right, but I would be careful in polishing it, the ball will become squirty.  Take off the factory polish and wetsand it to about 800-1000 smooth.  That gave me more consistency.
"I drink to forget.  Forget what? I dunno, I forgot that a long time ago."
Title: Re: How does the Element take to polish?
Post by: charlest on September 12, 2003, 12:20:03 PM
Take off the factory polish and wetsand it to about 800-1000 smooth.  That gave me more consistency.
"I drink to forget.  Forget what? I dunno, I forgot that a long time ago."

Mr. Marlowe,

What factory polish?
Website says, "Finish: 1000-Grit Smooth"

"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."
Title: Re: How does the Element take to polish?
Post by: Phillip Marlowe on September 12, 2003, 12:42:26 PM
There is a lite finish, compound of some sort, on the two Elements I have bought so far.  It was almost a waxy feeling finish, maybe just the compound they use to smooth out the final sanding.  I do know that a minute on the scotchbrite pads on the Haus machine gets rid of it.
"I drink to forget.  Forget what? I dunno, I forgot that a long time ago."