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Author Topic: Is something wrong with my 44 magnum?  (Read 2645 times)


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Is something wrong with my 44 magnum?
« on: April 15, 2007, 06:39:33 AM »
Roughly two months ago I bought the 44 mag to be my benchmark ball. I wanted to use it primarily on med - lightmed conditions. After struggling for two months to get the damn thing to hook on the lane, I eventually went and got the Mystic to become my new benchmark ball. Both balls are drilled fairly identical with the pin  
about an inch to the right of the ring finger with a small xhole to balance the drill. I believe the CG is in a similar position on both although we all seem to agree that CG doesn't matter.

Did I get a dud? From reading reviews and specs, I thought of the Vendetta as a long and somewhat strong ball. I have to reduce speed, step to the right, and put a lot of hand into it to get it to drive to the pocket. OOB condition by the way. Is it me, the drill(driller used track off 4year old ball to drill), or did I just overestimate.

Sorry for the long post, just trying to figure this out. Will post pics of the two. As for now, The mystic comes out first, the 44 handles bone dry to light conditions,which isn't bad, just def not what I expected.



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Re: Is something wrong with my 44 magnum?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2007, 04:39:06 PM »
Something's wrong somewhere.

The 44 Magnum is supposed to have a 2000 grit dull surface; that surface should have decent length and an overall medium-strong reaction, for someone with true average hand (250 -300 revs), axis tilt and rotation, and average ball speed. It should almost require TRUE medium oil, at a minimum to work properly. (That 2000 grit is matte or dull and as such, you need to wipe it off regularly and clean it IMMEDIATELY as soon as you're finished bowling or its performance will degrade rapidly. It also needs to be refreshed on a regular basis, around every 12 - 20 games.)

The 44 Magnum is the type od designed ball that is capable of being a benchmark ball.

The Mystics "should" go longer with a snappier backend, with the same drilling. Out of the box (a friend's just used today, fresh out of the box went very long and needed real dry to move.)

I suspect two possabilities:
1. the balls are drilled  properly for your PAP, axis tilt, etc
2. Yo never used the 44 magnum on enough oil.

The 3rd possibility (much more unlikely) is that there is something wrong with your 44 Magnum.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Is something wrong with my 44 magnum?
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2007, 08:58:33 PM »
I think it the first thing that you said. Well, I think you meant that the ball is drilled improperly for my PAP.I spoke to my pro shop guy, he said something about something being too close to my track, under his breath. He then went and took the PAP and drilled my mystic, which rolls great. I told him about the Vendetta, he muttered some crap about it not reacting on the lanes "because its an older ball", and "maybe some oil got in it". I swear some of these guys believe everybody is a recreation bowler. I clean every ball that I throw with ebonite's powerhouse cleaner after every set. And the damn ball had roughly 20-30 games, not a lot of time to absorb enough oil to kill the ball. I think I will just go seek out another driller next time.

Edit ** I have used the 44 on a variety of conditions.
Heavy = Might as well throw a white dot.
Med-Heavy = Straight up 10 with no speed, only possibility.
Carry down = Slides way too much
Med oil = 12-10 or something similar, slow speed.
Light-Med = Can open up the lanes.
Dry, well, pretty much everything hooks on dry.
Edited on 4/15/2007 8:58 PM

Edited on 4/15/2007 9:02 PM


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Re: Is something wrong with my 44 magnum?
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2007, 09:23:50 AM »
If it was drilled to the wrong PAP, and the pin is 1 inch right of the ring finger, is it possible it has a VERY weak pin position?
Mr. Lebowski, this is Bill Salnicker with the Southern Cal Bowling League, and I just got a, an informal report, that a member of your team, uh, Walter Sobchak, drew a firearm during league play. If this is true of course, it contravenes a number of the league's by-laws, and article 27 of the league...

I invented America.

Proud member of the Track Legion, though I'm seeing other companies on the side.  


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Re: Is something wrong with my 44 magnum?
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2007, 12:44:54 PM »
Balls drilled like that for me I use on wet/dry, and early roll conditions. Not for hookin'. This is a control drill, early read drill for me.  This would put the PIN in the 3" positon for most bowlers, or less...with not much flare.


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Re: Is something wrong with my 44 magnum?
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2007, 12:44:33 AM »
Yea, I put the mystic away and practiced just with the vendetta. Very little flare, very controlled reaction. I can miss inside, but definitely cannot miss out unless its bone dry. Could get it plugged and redrilled but I will just use it on lighter conditions or those that require control.


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Re: Is something wrong with my 44 magnum?
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2007, 04:44:29 PM »
Just got a 44 mag couple days ago and my pro shop guy put the rico on it...Very good drilling for this ball.  Very smooth, goes long and hits the pins like a train...


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Re: Is something wrong with my 44 magnum?
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2007, 04:54:59 PM »
i got mine with 3 games on it and it was a monster. it would go long and more like a strong hockey stick reaction. ball got stuck in a ball return and the pro shop had to resurface it. i don't know what he did to it but it reacted like yours. it had nothin on it. i talked to a guy and he thought it might've been polished a little too much. bottom line, i took a green scotch brite pad to it and it is definately stronger than before. i would try and scuff it up a little and see if that helps, it worked for me. good luck.


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Re: Is something wrong with my 44 magnum?
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2007, 05:01:42 PM »
Yeah surface on this ball is everything.  Mine is at 800 grit then hit with a little bit of the Brunswick Ruff Buff... Reacts real good...clean through heads and real smooth hook at break point...