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Author Topic: is there any thing overlapin in this arsenel  (Read 867 times)


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is there any thing overlapin in this arsenel
« on: July 03, 2005, 03:30:01 PM »
Absolute inferno 4.5X5 pin over fingers
Storm Fired up 3X4 pin over fingers Wieght whole on pap
Zone classic 4x4 pin over fingers Mb in strong pos wieght whole on pap

Thats what i take with me.

I have a to pick from
Nemesis pin under ring cg on Grip center no weight whole
Intense inferno 4.5x5
and the ones i listed above

Your bowling ur self...You are your biggest enemy.

A guy gets on the mta dies, his corpse doing laps around La, Think any one will notice

A guy tells me when arnt bowling good quit getting mad at ur self when ur struggling, he said i wish i had ur tallent at ur age, Be greatful for how good u are.